Gap s. 1 – INTRODUCTION the organizations contemporaries have expended many efforts in the direction to obtain the attention of the consumers in order to attract them or to catch them. However when finally they have success, for not knowing which its expectations or not being efficient in the installment of a quality service do not obtain to carry through or to keep sales to this customer or they lose still it for the competition. According to Peppers and Rogers Group (2004) ' ' the majority of the companies loses between 15 and 35% of its customers to each year, and most of them, almost 70%, if atendimento' goes for pure indifference of the employees or bad; '. According to Vavra (1993), the current market characterizes for the taken aggressiveness the handle for numerous competitors who offer to products or similar services. In this market, the consumers present themselves voluble and move of a mark for another one without if feeling ' ' traidores' ' or easied with the value that will be able to lose with the change. For these reasons, to conquer new customers could be an easy task to the step that considerably difficult will be, to keep customers buying of regular form. Informed, the consumers well they are substantially more selective, what ally to the increasing comoditizao of prices and products, still more becomes imperative the search for differentiation, especially in the processes and rendering of services.
To add value or to offer fringe benefits to the main product becomes essential the competitiveness. The subject of this work involves the constructos quality perceived for the customer; application of the methodology SERVQUAL for its note and model of Gap' s for its analysis. The knowledge on as the customers waits, perceives and evaluates the services that are given to them; as they still command and they classify the attributes they related and the particular interest of the author in knowing the perceived quality of the services given to the customers, they justify the accomplishment of the work. It is intended to answer to the following question of research: how the quality is perceived by the customer in a store of a pharmaceutical retail net? Thus the general objective of the present study consists of investigating as the quality of the services given for would drug is perceived and evaluated for its specific customers and as objective, to elencar the importance for the customers of the dimensions for evaluated them; to relatively verify the expectations of the customers to each evaluated dimension; to verify the perception of the customers on the service given according to each evaluated dimension; to establish the discrepancy or gap between its expectations and its perceptions in each dimension and to analyze the perception of the customer in each evaluated dimension. The work was developed begun for a theoretical revision of the subject searching to satisfy to the necessity of conceptualization of the aspects related with the quality in the rendering of services and its importance. Sequentially located in Belo Horizonte was carried through a research of character field quantitative-description with customers of a store of the company, Minas Gerais, where model SERVQUAL was applied, questionnaire that makes possible a measurement of the quality of the services perceived.