As the Contraceptive Pills Work? Hormonal the contraceptive pill was commercialized for the first time in the United States in the decade of 1960, and had a deep impact in the world. The contraceptive pills allow that the women can at any time have sexual activity during their menstrual cycle, without fear the pregnancy. Besides estrogens, the contraceptive pills contain progesterone, another feminine hormone that influences in the reproductive system. When it is taken according to the instructions, the majority of contraceptive pills has more of 90% of effectiveness in the body of the woman. The origins of contraceptive pills can be found in the experiments with rabbits in the decade of 1930, when the investigators discovered that the high doses of progesterone impedian the ovulation, which means that the ovules would not be present in the uterus to be fertilized by a spermatozoon.

In the decade of 1940, the scientists synthesized estrogen success as much and progesterone, abriendo the way to the contraceptive pill, that was developed and proven in the decade of 1950.anticonceptivos yasmin. In 1960, the Drug Administration and Foods approved the use of the pill for the American women. The human sexuality and the familiar planning with the help of contraceptive methods as the contraceptive ring and others have not been the same since then. Hormones in contraceptive pills are combined to prevent that the body releases an ovum. If an ovum is freed, the progesterone causes that it is difficult the ovule to travel by the tube of Fallopian tube, and also alters the coating of the uterus to prevent the implantation in the improbable case of the fertilization. In addition, that the cervical snot thickens in the progesterone, so that the spermatozoa have difficulties to sail. The estrogen combination and progesterone cause that the pregnancy is a true challenge, although are possibilities that it can happen.

The majority of users of the natural contraceptive methods and pill has realized of which the contraceptive tablets are of different colors, and that they are due to take in a specific order. This must to that the doses vary of week to week, in one week in fact are consumed pills of placebo without hormones, to allow to the organism mudar the coating of the uterus thickened in a menstrual period. It is very important that the contraceptive pills are taken in the same hour every day, and in the correct order: to never ask lent pills another person, since they cannot be the same pills that the own ones, and will send to a cycle bankrupt, where pondra in risk of a pregnancy to the woman. Whereas the contraceptive pills are excellent to prevent the pregnancy, they will not prevent the contagion of diseases of sexual transmission (ETS). In order to provide protection against the ETS and the prevention against the pregnancy you always reduce, them must be used during the sexual activity. The combined suitable use of condn, the contraceptive patch and the contraceptive tablets in great measurement will help to reduce the pregnancy risk and of preventing the infection with one or several potentially incurable ETS.