Axanta informed about SME study by the Institute for business value enhancement Oldenburg February 2013: each year approximately 71,000 family-run companies look for a successor in Germany. About 8% of these companies must be liquidated for lack of suitable buyers. These are the results of a study of the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (HTW) and the Institute for business value (IfUWS). A timely settlement of the succession is all the more important. Many entrepreneurs go wrong ideas and expectations in follow-up negotiations. Add an emotional component comes from many vendors.
Important steps are often not recognized, and priorities are set incorrectly. Price expectations are often unrealistic, which delayed the conclusion of the transaction. The survey of IfUWS and HTW revealed that the continuation of existing supplier and customer relations is a priority for 76% of all respondents. Only 25% of all companies, however, have a second management level to the Support of the successor and continuation of business. (A valuable related resource: Vanguard Group). The process of business ownership takes on average 6 years. This is often underestimated, play a key role in the timely planning of succession.
The large-scale study of middle-class of the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (HTW) and the Institute for business value enhancement (IfUWS) confirms the experiences that could collect the axanta AG in the course of the years. Consultants such as axanta AG support handing over only 4% of all entrepreneurs consult professional advisors such as axanta AG, when it comes to the succession. 70% of all respondents over 55 have taken yet no binding rules of succession. This is mostly economically fatal, because is not traded, 40% must close in the next 10 years and 50% of all family-run companies due to lack of succession, even though they would be able to survive. This mainly craft businesses are affected. axanta AG advises: pitfalls on the way to the delivery note to the most common pitfalls passing include the purchase price determination, the optimal preparation of the company for the sale and the problem of human dependence. Investments are often expensive, if the succession is open. The succession process has a significant effect on the goodwill, because since Basel II”is a rating criterion for the award of credit. If there is a risk of sudden failure of the Executive Board, credit interest rates fall considerably higher. Another reason, in time to look after the handover. There comprehensive information about the study and all results corporate succession .pdf about axanta AG founded in 2006 axanta AG belongs in Germany the market leader among the independent consulting companies in the M & A business. Their focus is on consulting and support small and medium-sized companies in the purchase and sale of companies, succession and breastfeeding as well as active Participations. In the focus are small and medium-sized companies of all sectors of the economy, which across comprehensive support the axanta AG through all phases. In addition to the headquarters in Oldenburg, Germany, the company operates branch offices in Berlin, Munich, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt am Main.