Study human resources consulting: A targeted support of top talent and future service providers takes place at management often does not. Most medium-sized companies operate no forward-looking personnel policy. Yet some things in the wrong is in the talent management many medium. An investigation carried out by the human resources and management consulting Conciliat GmbH, Stuttgart, medium-sized companies comes to this conclusion. 139 senior executives from 102 management took part in the survey with 250 to 1000 employees. The investigation revealed among other things: the work effort and everyday collaboration work well in most medium-sized companies.

So agreed example, 55 percent of respondents saying their employees know what will be expected of them at work. And over 85 percent of respondents were convinced thereof: our employees can work that, doing what they do best. The picture is more heterogeneous when it comes to the Management culture and the development of competence in the company goes. Then 57 percent of senior executives stress while their staff have in the past year at work learned new and evolved, at the same time, but over a third admits: we have spoken with our employees do not have their development in the past half-year. That shows, according to Alexander Walz, Managing Director of Conciliat GmbH, that in most medium-sized companies, the competence development of staff largely on the job”while doing everyday tasks done. A forward-looking, systematic personnel development takes place, however, rarely.” This finding is supported by the fact that most respondents executives admit a systematic talent promotion not success in their operation. So no Presidia or similar institutional funding agencies for the talents exist for example in almost 80 percent of the companies surveyed.

And in 66 percent of the company, there is no Person who is officially responsible for the detection and development of talents. That is, it is largely left to the initiative and the commitment of the respective superiors, whether hopes will be identified and promoted. Many medium-sized companies regarding the emotional bond of the talents for your company are accordingly uncertain. “So, for example, only 38 percent of surveyed executives in the statement approved: our employees see their future prospects in our company positively.” At all, and only 18 percent of those polled believe that the talents are emotionally tied to their company. This means according to Dr. Meera Gandbhir, proxy Conciliat: many medium-sized companies constantly live in fear that their future service providers could leave them for example because offers a different, mostly larger companies a higher salary or better prospects for development. This is according to opinion by Alexander Walz due to looming partition and “Executives lack a dramatic finding” also because it usually weighs more than corporations management, qualified specialists and executives who left to replace. Therefore they should seek to bind talented junior staff who have opted for them once, through a targeted promotion and a culture of leadership and communication, emotionally linking employees to the company in the long term. For more information about the investigation get interested of Conciliat GmbH (homepage:) Phone: 0711/22 45 18-0). Contact person is Ms. Dr.