The problem of parents not to give more, but how to approach education differently than our own mothers and fathers. Remember that you can not give their children a lot of freedom, if you is not know how to ensure that they behaved as it should. I would love for you to understand that a positive education (to which I will actively encourage) – is the transition from methods based on intimidation, to methods based on love. All parents want to child was obedient, but it needs to begin to cooperate with him. Achieve cooperation – hence the desire to encourage children to listen to your requests and fulfill them. How do you do it? To get started, try to use the formula "is not Have you done "And" do this, please "instead of" can you "This will directly invite the child to cooperate, that does not cause his resistance. Ordering children, we actually prevent them learn to cooperate. Very we often ask the child questions like: Why in the room such a mess? When you finally povzrosleesh? Are you all right? Rhetorical questions – an inefficient method of communication.
In addition, these issues do not apply to child, they do not allow parents to understand their responsibility for the negative messages contained in their words. And if we are not aware of the negative messages that are investing in it, you then can not understand why children declined to cooperate with us. One of the most important skills that are necessary to get mothers to learn how to express themselves directly, especially when dealing with boys.