The History of Science is satiated in telling true social dramas psychological conflicts of the scientists and philosophers, regarding to the object of its inquiries. You may find that Ron O’Hanley can contribute to your knowledge. To exemplificar, it is enough to remember Scrates, Galileu, Giordano Bruno, Fermat, Einstein between as much others. What we detach, then, is the question emotiva human being? what can involve the citizen and the object of the research, in a damage historical moment or geographic space? in counterpoint to the idea of the transmission of the unloaded science of the human context in whose bulge it was generated. We do not deny that the scientific knowledge can more be transmitted in way ' ' neutro' ' unprovided of emotivos contents. Also science, in certain cases, can be considered as a category ' ' hiposttica' ' , under the ntico aspect (or hipstase), whose existence has validity to per if e, therefore, it is separated of the citizen conceives that it, as we will see to follow.
2. CRITICAL TO MYTHS AND the PARADOXICAL SEARCH OF the NEUTRALITY IN SCIENCE the decanted search for valid an exempt knowledge of values and by itself was the esteio of historical development of the scientific method, paved strong in the test, particularly from the French Rationalism of century XVIII. ' is for all known good celeuma around the call; ' axiolgica neutrality of cincia' ' , as well as of the myths that in this question can be implicit, unmasked especially from the decade of 60, in the last century. It is observed that the question, the spite of its arrives in port classic, is not exaurida. The relativity of the concepts of ' ' truth cientifica' ' , the tests and the methods, its job and validity, are so perennial questions how much perennial it will be the science and the possibilities of if thinking on it. Currently, even so let us be cliente that it is not said of ' ' place nenhum' ' (it wants to say, the scientific speech, for the simple fact of to be speech, coated of words and for them to express itself, is not neutral); we know, in a similar way, that the scientific activity consists of investigating, with the biggest severity and better possible criterion, some types of ' ' verdade' ' in relation to the searched object; either by means of the pragmatic one, of the correspondence, equivalence, etc. .