Inside of these investigations of the impacts in the control or ambient management of the space of the great cities one places problematic it of Salvador and region metropolitan with the changes of the industrial focus of the inhabited zones or of possible real estate exploration for region of Atlantic Bush as it occurred with Industrial Center of Aratu (CIA). This question became emblematic with the formation of islands of social exclusion and the production of a space where the local power has each time little participation, with the taken decisions being, to the times, in a even though transnational level. The transnationalization of the capital it directly influenced the ambient question of form that Milton Saints, speaking on ' ' redescoberta' ' of the nature ' affirms qu; ' In the current phase, where the economy if became mundializada, all the societies had finished for adopting, of more or less total form, more or less explicit way, a model only technician who if overlaps to the multiplicity of natural resources and human. in these conditions that the mundializao of the Planet unifies the Nature. Ann Maynard Gray follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. (…) unified for history, in I benefit of firms, states and classrooms hegemnicas' ' (Saints, 1992, pp. 97-8). The Paradigm of sustainable cities passed to be argued with bigger depth from Agenda 21, taken off in the Conference of United Nations on Environment and Development carried through in the city of Belm in the state of Par in 1992, where if it established the question of the human nestings and advance of the industry in special, as ambient problem, considering that, in the turn of the century, the majority of the population will be living in the cities. Existing problems already in the social agenda had been incorporated, as of the provision of sanitation and the habitation, with the inclusion of goals for the ambient support by means of the adoption of appropriate technologies.
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