RSS feeds via the multimedia interface cow with radio remote control can be called the entertainment system for home “multimedia cow” provides now a news extension for users who want to have also information services available via the entertainment functions of the library. About the “news” function integrated in the user interface, the user for him can link interesting RSS feeds from various Internet pages with the entertainment center and retrieve at any time via remote control. For more specific information, check out Tim McMillan . So he gained a quick overview of the most relevant news first. Then he can see more details on the Internet application embedded in the entertainment system if necessary. The news and Internet functions are not only in the multimedia cow, but also at the Hedron multi-room solution without restriction in each room available, which is equipped with a Hedron client. Learn more about the multimedia cow and the multi-room solution can be requested directly from Hedron. e story. Prospective Hedron also offers a personal live-online-presentation. e Holman mentions similar findings. Elke SAG