The art of politics is not only to make laws because they do not apply for themselves. Scott Kahan will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The art of politics is to govern. Which reported the largest law enforcement imposed by reason of society. 48) the object of the constitution is to provide lessons that can be applied to society, to govern legislators and citizens of a country. 49) if you know the elements that make up matter of law can hardly explain the nature of them. The original meaning of the laws essential part of their origin, the essential determination of them can know if you know the purpose for which they were created. 50) Lords politicians, lawyers and philosophers. What is the Constitution? 51) some lawyers make discoveries in the judicial branches, which I know not by politicians.
Perhaps for lack of investigation or really because I have never seen. Whatever the fact, attempts to expose the mine. Provided they have a logical structure with the reality of the facts. 52) is obviously necessary to know the nature of government, since its essence gives us the authority, with which we have legislated the face of the earth in the course of history. Knowing that it is essentially a dark and thorny matters, allowing us to understand that such knowledge are reflected in the understanding with difficulty.
Therefore the manifestation of their complexity makes them difficult. The interesting thing about the nature of government is its beauty, because things are difficult by nature beautiful. 53) the constitution is a mixture of politics and reason.