If it cannot forget that 2/3 of the population are in poor countries e, these, the hunger and the malnutrition is the main cause of also evitvel death (ARAJO, 2004) the tobacco corresponds for 40% 45% of the deaths for cancer, 90% 95% the deaths for lung cancer; 75% of the deaths for obstrutiva pulmonary illness chronicle; 20% of the deaths for vascular illnesses and 35% of the deaths for cardiovascular illnesses between men and women of 35 the 69 years (COAST, 2006). The ceasing of the tobaccoism takes the significant reduction of mortality and morbidade associates to this habit. It has a great reduction of the risk of cardiovascular and neoplsicas illnesses (COAST, 2006). Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Sheryl Sandberg. Therefore, it is under the optics of the promotion of the health that, since 1989, the INCA, agency of the responsible Health department for the National Politics of Control of the Cancer, co-ordinates the national actions of the National Program of Control of Tabagismo (PNCT), developed in partnership with the state and municipal secretariats of Health and some sectors of the organized civil society, over all, of the scientific societies and professional advice of the area of the health. With objective to reduce the prevalence of smokers and the consequent morbi-mortality, related to the consumption of derivatives of the tobacco in Brazil, the Program has invested in action stops to reduce the initiation of the tobaccoism between young, to promote the ceasing of the habit to smoke and to reduce the exposition the ambient smoke of the tobacco (INCA, 2008). The recognition of that the epidemic of the tobaccoism is a globalizado problem of public health, that exceeds borders of countries, and that they exist comprovadamente measured intersetoriais effective to control its expansion and of that the effectiveness of these measures depends on an ample international cooperation it took 49a World-wide Assembly of the Health, carried through in May of 1996, to adopt a resolution directed toward the elaboration of the first one treated the International to public health, the Convention Picture for Control of Tabaco (CQCT) of the OMS.
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