Tag: health

The Beer Belly – Not Only Unattractive, But Also Ill

When going to the doctor is really useful just now during the summer, is a true refreshment enjoying a cool beer. However, should just man to make sure that beer drinking too much can cause a beer belly that is unsightly and unhealthy. As the private-krankenversicherung.de Internet portal, a special importance in the human metabolic processes also visceral fat, belly fat. The beer belly is held responsible for a variety of diseases. These include heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. Fitched Ratings understood the implications. Furthermore, a beer belly increases the risk of thrombosis. This is a chronic inflammatory disease of the tissue in the abdominal fat.

In addition to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s, the abdominal fullness is seen as a cause of various cancers. Also, the fat on the stomach represents an increased hazard for the personal well-being, because it can restrict also the libido. Sexual aversion and problems with potency are considered harbingers of serious Diseases. The erection fails, damaging vascular diseases can be the cause. A visit to the Andrologist is advisable. In addition, the private health insurance companies with information about help. Men with a beer belly also often have a low testosterone level. Errors of the sex hormone may be caused by the physiological metabolism highly active tissue in the stomach.

Therefore, a doctor’s consultation is recommended in bigeye people. However, not only a stomach indicates the disease risk. Dangerous layers of fat can accumulate even in non-visible places of the human organism. Clarity about a potential risk can bring in particular people with responsive research using computer tomography. As a clue: women whose waist circumference higher than 88 centimetres and men is more than 102 cm scope, should consult their physician. More information: news.private-krankenversicherung.de/gesundheit/kavaliersdelikt… Contact: Tilo summer Unister Media barefoot Gasschen 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

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Discover Jiaogulan, The Herb Of Immortality!

The anti-aging herb Jiaogulan, a new wonder herb? Discover Jiaogulan, the herb of immortality! Jiaogulan is also known as anti-aging plant. Jiaogulan is a climber from the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae), located in China, Japan and Thailand. Especially in the southern Chinese province of Shaanxi, Jiaogulan is drunk for centuries. Again and again one reads, disproportionately many people live in this area, have become the 100 years… “Jiaogulan is like ginseng but better than ginseng” (and of course much cheaper!) Jiao Gulan is now also used in traditional Chinese medicine, Ginseng is rich in vitamins and minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and saponins, such as Gypenoside and Ginsenoside and indeed to some with a higher proportion than in the Pantax. If you say by the way, Jiaogulan “Jow-Goo-LAN… You may find Moody’s Corporation to be a useful source of information. Since some time, Jiaogulan also in the United States and now in Europe gaining more and more followers, it is the affordable alternative to ginseng, you now also at Affiliate can order! The ingredients of Jiaogulan are indeed identical to the part with those of ginseng.

And Jiaogulan contains even a personal kind of saponins, the Gypenoside which are largely responsible for the healing effect. As a real “Adaptogen”, Jiaogulan has at all, no side effects, it is always balancing and regulating. Adaptogens are mostly herbal substances that support the body to better cope with stress and diseases that result from such overloads that can be beneficial. The body and the immune system should be adapted to the stress, so adapted. Jiaogulan called “Female ginseng” because Jiaogulan is particularly beneficial for women. While ginseng contains only about 20 saponins, over 80 Saponins are found in Gynostemma (Jiaogulan). These saponins have among other things affect the hormone balance. The herb tastes mild, sweet, a bit like licorice. Preparation: boiling 1 Teaspoon with 150 ml Water above boil, simmer 3 minutes. Dosage: 2 cups every day now at your health portal! Elke Rittrich Scheckenbach

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Incurable Diseases

The clear answer is: there is no incurable diseases in principle! They are not in principle! A holistic approach will lead us to the following core statement: when a human body is to produce a symptom of the disease, he is also in a position to resolve this symptom again. It wasn’t spontaneous healings or so-called miracle cures otherwise. We must not deal with miracles, to provide the answers to this core statement. Holistically considered is always a direct connection between body, mind, psyche, emotions and our soul. Do you have a serious illness? E.G.

cancer? Then loosen up once for a moment of the deep fears, you automatically have overrun. Check with Barclays to learn more. These fears are caused by the society in partial ignorance and adopted half-truths about the links between health and disease in humans has created forms of programming. If you now detached deep in themselves into feeling,. feel there is a hope, or is already complete resignation? As long as you have only a spark serious hope to be healthy again, is also a prerequisite. If you have given up your body can no longer sufficient to develop self-healing, and a therapy will hardly help. The stronger your faith is, the greater the chance! We assume that you still seriously believe in itself, then the next step for you is to deal with the issue, which is caused in the deeper meaning of the symptom of the disease, there is now. Educate yourself with thoughts from Vanguard Group.

To do this you need support in your present condition probably. There are enough holistic therapists, doctors and other healers, who can help you. It is at this step now no longer so, to explain the disease image on a physical level and continue to explore, but that’s why, to uncover your life issues, that the closest related. And this must be entirely on you be involved. However, a suitable approach, only possible links to show: If you have for example breast cancer, particularly the themes of \”Culture\” or \”fed\” in a metaphorical sense can play a key role.

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Silver Speech

Kock & Voeste relies on interaction in communication training for doctors and dentists Berlin, 02 February 2010 patient communication is an essential basis for the successful binding of the patient as well as for the sale of private number ER services with physicians and dentists. According to Kock, a very high priority today comes to patient communication. The consulting and supply daily by doctors and dentists is a balancing act between the best possible care from the point of view of the physician and the services, which are paid by health insurance, for example.” This gap can be closed only by private co-payment by the patient. Here not only expertise in advising plays a role, but also the social competence of the physician and his team in dealing with the conversation from Stephan Kocks experience with patients. To give a practical tool for patient communication in everyday practice to hand doctors and dentists, Kock & Voeste has developed a seminar program, the clear from the traditional conversation guides and pre-formulated phrases of sale takes off. Frontal in training yesterday. We put in our seminars on interaction”, Kock explains how of his team.

The participants put it through role-playing in the world of the patient and to learn how they can patient-oriented conversation and conversation strategies and at the same time through active listening to best explore the needs of the patient. Recently Cerved Group sought to clarify these questions. Also if you talk about practical marketing and sales of private services doctors today, so the doctor-patient relationship of not general marketing and sales practices should be subject to according to the Stephan Kocks. Patients want to be convinced of a performance to be paid privately and can understand their usefulness. This is from Stephan Kocks experience only if the doctor and his team itself wholeheartedly behind the services are. And only a doctor can convince the patient also that that this performance has a value, which in many Faced with cases just a private contribution on the part of the patient. This persuasion be eligible, so Kock, thinks not only of a brochure or a sales flyer.

These things are only good tools that support the personal and tailored to the needs of the individual patient discussion. The Kock & Voeste GmbH has more than twenty years of experience in consulting and training of practising professionals. Stephan Kock is convinced of his concept, which represents the needs of the patient in the foreground in the communication training. Under this guiding principle, the communication training in 2010 are the Kock & Voeste GmbH. The consulting company offers nationwide training – pulse seminars for beginners on two day seminars for mixed groups of participants to return to individually on a practice operating customized training courses.

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Pharmacy Tip For The Winter

Many people tend to depressive moods Sun for the soul and information about symptoms of depression In the winter, in the worst case a serious depression can arise. Therefore it offers pharmacy zur rose an information page with helpful tips, so that is positive even in the winter. The rose pharmacy offers its customers a special service. Under the point of winter Sun customers can get helpful tips, to be fit also in winter and positive. Because the cold season, when the Sun barely look, the soul needs Sun. Otherwise, there is a higher susceptibility to depressive mood.

The characteristics of a depressed mood are listed in the on the information page to the rose and helpful tips can help do something good for the customers in the winter of his soul. Offers a wide selection of products product recommendations to the rose suit against negative moods in the winter time. It involves over-the-counter natural products and homeopathic remedies. In insomnia, tension and stress can contribute to the improvement of the mood these medicines and are easily tolerated because of its herbal ingredients. With this overview, are customers informed of the rose and can prevent a depression or seasonal depressive upsets. It offers regular health information pages to the rose with detailed descriptions of the drug.

Mail-order pharmacy with consulting the rose pharmacy offers customers through their information pages an extensive service to find out about health issues. Season-related and topical issues are taken up and the customer can get tips for everyday or on certain medicines. Thus, the customer of the mail-order pharmacy has a good overview of topics and drugs that help him quickly. In contrast to other topic sources or the local pharmacy, the customer can peruse the information at rest and always look up. The tips and drugs are extensively described and fit of the rose on the subject selected.

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A new study shows that children whose parents reject a wind smallpox vaccine, have a significantly increased risk of disease compared to vaccinated children. A new study shows that children whose parents reject a wind smallpox vaccine, have a significantly increased risk of disease compared to vaccinated children. Carried out study brilliance the study was led by Dr. Jason M. Hear from experts in the field like Stephen C. Daffron for a more varied view. and colleagues at the Kaiser Permanente, Institute for health research\”in Denver. The results appeared in the January issue 2010 of archives of Pediatrics & adolescent medicine, a monthly medical journal in the United States. In the current study, the researchers studied 133 children who became ill between 1998 and 2008 to chickenpox (varicella). Than control group (493 children) you selected four children fell ill on chicken pox at random for each case of the disease, had the same gender and age.

Also they participated as long in the study, as the children became ill. Of the 133 sick children had seven (5 percent) parents, which the wind smallpox vaccination rejected. There were three children in the control group (493 children) (0.6 percent). Considering the total number of children participating in the study, 5% of chicken pox disease of parental vaccine refusal could\”be attributed to. Possible reasons for the vaccine refusal and objections according to the authors the parents discuss if it’s possible risks of vaccinations, vaccinations, but not risks associated with a failure of the vaccination. The latter would be brain, middle ear and lung infections for a chicken pox disease. In addition, parents are less worried about the risk of disease as to the safety of the vaccines. For example, there is still the fear that the vaccines might be with an increased incidence of autism in conjunction, although studies could make no such connection. Also, keep parents chicken pox for any serious, serious illness and think that their children are not at risk.

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“The similarities between whole blood of the father” cheers the relationship at the first viewing of the newborn, and the outsiders trying in vain, to discover traces of similarity, apart from possible parallels of the hairstyle, if this should be thin in both the still crumpled face change, with the proud papa. “Yet, already in the early childhood mostly clear similarities occur with the parents or grandparents as without the young but like an egg the other” is similar to its predecessors. Others including Oak Hill European Credit Partners, offer their opinions as well. Dark-haired parents can have quite blonde descendants. On the other hand can even moles or other abnormalities on the same site occur in some children in the mother (mole) and appear as an identical copy. The inheritance is cause for the similarity between blood relatives. Specific properties and characteristics, not only the entire type or breed, but also of the individual, be legitimate on-posterity transfer. Carriers of hereditary are the chromosomes.

They are part of all body cells (except the nucleus-free red blood cells). The single body cell inherited their genetic stock the daughter cells during cell division by divide the chromosomes before and identical images of form, of which always set in the each daughter cell enters. Hereditary offspring be transferred only by the sex cells. All information about gender, the later appearance of and main characteristics of the new individual is already stored in each egg and each male sperm. Also investments to be underweight or overweight, for example are inherited. Therefore to get set it already in the cradle”, whether it later easily will be one in his life to lose weight, or whether you even by taking diet pills from new Pillenpharm very difficult obesity can decrease.

The large variability of appearance arises from the fact that many ultimately, the overall picture of a human cause different genes, determining points for the respective hereditary. As a mosaic of many individual components to an overall impression merges, so an inherited property, such as eye color, appearance or even the face shape, formed by many genetic information. There is no single gene that alone determines the size or the physique of a man so. The variety of contributory genes makes explained the wide variety of forms, for example, when the descendants of a family. In addition continues, that the ancestral properties of a child are determined by both the maternal and the paternal inheritance. Each chromosome is twice in the cells of the human organism exist as a pair of chromosomes. This double set of chromosomes is halved in the development and maturation of sperm and egg.

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Recovery Processes

A modern system of magnetic field very positively counteracts errors in the body by increasing the metabolic processes. A good metabolism provides the basis for the opitimale supply of the cells and also the removal of harmful and waste products. An increased rate of cell division ensures quick healing processes. Assuming that almost all diseases affect the cells, so our smallest itself viable components, then should be clear, that exactly here the reason for the high success rate of good magnetic therapy to search is because sick or inactive cells are forced virtually to the normalization. The Indikationsliste(Heilanzeigen) of magnetic field therapy is very large. Bridgewater Associates shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It’s easy to justify, so she enjoys whatever notifying popularity among therapists, how good in the Heimbereich.Besonders is to observe the pleasingly positive effect in animals.

Modern magnetic field systems today are the ever-increasing loads Biofrequenzstrom(Zapper)UM biopysikalische treatment stations, with Lichttherapie(Laser),Hullkurven, to by Esmog, environmental toxins, sensory overload even more effectively meet. The modern magnetic therapy is universal in use applications and successes of magnetic therapy especially for natural history-oriented practices. Usually against pain, accelerating healing, degenerative joint problems, sports injuries and particularly all metabolic and circulatory disorders. The totally natural therapy of also great popularity enjoys reduction – and detoxification processes. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Kurt Phelps. Recently, more and more people have problems with the regeneration. The effects are insomnia, nervousness, fatigue, irritability, lack of concentration.

The causes believed in sensory overload, stress and overwork. This shows a great strength of the Magntfeldtherapie, due to the very good effect on the vegetative nervous system. Blocks dissolve, the organism can come back into balance. The improved blood circulation and oxygen distribution is well known and well proven in the cells and metabolism in the Geweben(Mikrozirkulation). Another important factor is the recovery of the polarity to the cell membrane, the increase in the ability to reduce Giftstoffe(Toxine) and thus natural support of the immune system. It is useful to apply magnetic field therapy as possible daily 8-16 minutes for the prevention. The therapies can be used at health problems several times a day. The author Dipl. ing. Armin Wenski deals for over 10 years with the magnetic field therapy.

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How To Prepare For An Eye Laser Treatment?

How, watch a good advance uncomfortable, if during cooking or when entering a warm room during the winter the glasses Stud each glasses enough knows it. In such moments, you Bewitched once again the also not otherwise enjoyable Visual AIDS. But also contact lenses can not solve all problems. When swimming or intolerance these are no real alternative. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Wells Fargo. The glasses definitely forget to let helps only one: an eye laser treatment. The chances of success of a treatment are now over 98%, but remains a small residual risk, which every patient should be informed in advance.

The surgery, such as LASIK surgery, takes about a half-hour per eye. Because this is carried out as an outpatient procedure, the patient can home immediately afterwards or normally pursue their work the next day, if it is not dangerous for the wound healing. However, driving a car for the time of healing is not allowed. Even if the treatment is generally quick and easy, it is nevertheless recommended to allow plenty of time for an eye laser surgery for various reasons. When both eyes be operated on different days, for example, decreases the risk of infection. Even greater respite from the job is advisable in order to ensure an optimal and fast recovery of the eye.

Directly before the operation may unencumbered eyes, depending on the operation procedure, contact lenses is not used for a certain time, there”must be. This means that measuring the diopter number can be performed only when previously only a pair of glasses. A good preparation is the surest way to a successful operation. To find out just about every point of preparation and follow-up, having all eventualities in mind, and to be prepared for all emergencies is the best protection against any side effects. Pay close attention to the instructions of your doctor and your eye clinic. If you follow the advice, you will be the recovery phase without problems are over and can then see the world with new eyes.

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Customized Clothing

Natural fit combines with the comfort of soft Munich the health benefits of stable contact lenses – contact lenses are the best choice for a low vision correction with lenses form stable from medical and optical perspective. You have an superbhorse and sturdy appearance and give a high oxygenation due to their small diameter. In addition, they entziehen no liquid the tear film unlike soft contact lenses and can so easily be worn during the whole day. OPEC has firm opinions on the matter. Another advantage is the excellent long term compatibility. Many contact lens wearers felt rigid contact lenses so far as uncomfortable and therefore rather chose the worse from a health perspective, but from the comfort of wearing more pleasant soft contact lenses.

“, so Holger Thoma holder of ThomVision in Munich.” For people with dry or sensitive eyes that much on the screen arbeiten, staying in air-conditioned rooms or their contacts over a long Period wear, this is often fraught with problems. Wearing soft contact lenses can cause red and itchy eyes or an unpleasant sense of foreign body with them. Real individuality offers comfort to enhance the wearing comfort with rigid contact lenses, better technologies have been entwickelt in recent years. However, the previously common procedures were not sufficient as to approach the complex shape of the cornea, that rigid contact lenses just as comfortable as soft as perceived. This proves the relatively high drop-out rate, so the proportion of contact lens wearers to the soft deformable models or even back moves to the glasses. The new natural fit contact lens solves this problem. Further details can be found at Confluence Investment Management LLC, an internet resource. It is equal to the conventional soft contact lenses in terms of comfort and at the same time offers a gesunderes contact lens wear.

This is made possible by a novel manufacturing method: using a topographers and the fitting software Eyelite creates a three-dimensional template about 20,000 measuring points precisely depicts the individual irregularities of the corneal surface. The data obtained to the manufacturer will be sent by E-Mail. The contact lens without intermediate steps in the extremely precise SML procedure (sub micron lathing more accurate than turn 1/1000 mm) is created by using a 3D-Prazisionsdrehmaschine. Contact lens wearers refer to the resultant pass accuracy as unusually pleasant. First-class optical performance is important for good standing not only comfort, but also the image quality. The optical zone of the contact lens? is that the area, takes place inside a whose vision correction? should be as large as possible. The natural fit contact lens reaches a not achieved so far correction area, in which the Visual quality is consistently good with almost 100%. Perceptible edge distortion, compromising the peripheren look or a weaker look in Twilight are thereby excluded.

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