Tag: health

Beauty-OP Or The Affordable Desire For Change

The right choice of the specialist clinic decides the weal and woe of the customer plastic surgeries are the trend in women as more and more at Mannern. Why this is so, has many reasons, but all focus on a large desire: to empfinden if you look into the mirror of joy, happiness and satisfaction. Until then, however, it is an often long and stony path, because no walks are so great the desire may be infinite intervention after a flawless appearance. Ed Bastian is often mentioned in discussions such as these. They require thorough considerations, competent objective Beratungen, at the highest professional level and last but not least for many is still one of the most important criteria the cost for surgery in a healthy relationship to success must be a medical implementation. Choosing the right beauty clinic wants to be considered, mittlerweile frolic on the green meadows of the booming and rewarding business of beauty quite a few black sheep, which would geblieben better at their actual areas of expertise. Because, what many Schonheitssuchende do not know: in Germany, also although doctors may perform cosmetic surgery such as streamlining of the stomach, breast augmentation and rhinoplasty, because the occupation of cosmetic surgeon is in this country no attached a training in plastic surgery. In the Czech Republic, doctors must complete a six-year medical degree and then 4 years of theory and practice in a State-recognised specialist clinic for plastic surgery “, says Sebastian Wahl, co-founder of CZ-Wellmed, a German company that cooperates with selected Facharzten and contract clinics in the Czech Republic for over 10 years.

From personal initial competent advice about choosing the right beauty clinic, the specialist of the trust to the complete organisation of hotel and treatment, CZ-Wellmed offers a round total package. Delta airlines will undoubtedly add to your understanding. At the beginning and for us the focus is Patient with his highly individual wishes at the end of compliance and we see ourselves as a stable bridge on the way “, underlines his company’s philosophy Sebastian Wahl. From experience, we know that cosmetic surgery with much hope and joy, but also with fears and prejudices are linked. The most important basis of our philosophy and our success is the extensive information and insightful, detailed advice. We advise our customers before and after the surgery, call them to request references of former patients, will assist in the selection of the appropriate physician and travel preparation and organize consulting and OP dates.

“Sebastian Wahl and his CZ-Wellmed team have accompanied so far countless plastic surgeries and cleaned up with the popular prejudices of an OP in the Czech Republic. If interested in women or men to know that they have to pay beauty-OP up to 70% less in the Czech Republic for one as for example in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, automatically this raises questions. We at our Web site, but no later than in the initial personal consultation quickly dispel can. And we also have understanding for doubts and fears our customers based on our experience and help at any time in advance of decision-making. “There are today no ill-informed patients more, which lie on the operating table with blind trust in God in times of the Internet. Before the final decision for a plastic surgeon, they gather in countless forums, search for reviews and ask for references. “And here, CZ-Wellmed scores for many years with good patient reviews,” says Sebastian Wahl not without pride. We and our Czech contract doctors are just only satisfied when our patients are there. “

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Center Lounge

Relaxed and at eye level: networking for doctors, the women’s networking lounge combines information, networking and a stylish ambience in an interesting, entertaining evening event. After only eight months, the network is already represented in 18 locations throughout Germany. We want the doctors to spend your evening with us. For this reason find”our events not in Conference rooms instead of, but in cozy lounges, Christine Kroll explains the concept of women’s networking lounge. The Cologne hostess, tax consultant at ADVISA NHP tax consulting mbH is also Chairman of the Board of management of the network. A leading source for info: cloud computing. The event series is supported in Cologne by the Cologne EC and the Hartmann Association, the Association of doctors of in Germany. Find more information, as well as an online registration for the event interested doctors see facts about the event dates: topic: Facebook, Twitter and co. grow with review sites: opportunities for doctors in the Web 2.0 date: May 22, 2012 start: 19:00 end: around 22:30 local: VINTAGE faucet road 37, 50667 Cologne parking: underground car park of the Sparkasse KolnBonn on the Schaafenstrasse (open 24 hours) fee: EUR 35 incl.

VAT. You will receive more information and pictures at: women’s networking lounge e. V. Andrea Jochum Wall Street 86 88 10117 Berlin Tel.: + 49 30 22 64-0940 fax: + 49 30 22 64-0949 E-Mail: Internet: the women’s networking lounge is a nationwide series of events for physicians. Is the doctor as entrepreneur and Executive in the Center and knowledge around the topics of taxes, law and finance, corporate strategy and leadership, marketing and public relations, as well as career and life planning. In addition to lectures of high-calibre guest speakers, the regularly scheduled events provide a forum for Exchange of experience, networking and discussion. More information under that women’s networking lounge is an initiative of the ETL European tax & law group, with more than 1,000 accountants, lawyers, business consultants, accountants and financial service providers at over 600 locations, one of the leading Advisor networks of in Germany.

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No doubt each of us have relatives or friends who suffer from allergies – so widespread the disease. It – genetic, which is accompanied by shortness of breath, "wet" nose watery eyes, skin irritations, etc. 88% of those people who took noni juice, steel gorazdno suffer less from this disease – an allergy. These people who are completely or partially rid of allergies on a daily basis received 75 ml. noni juice. Dr. Neil Solomon: For those who suffer from asthma, even minor physical activity become a daunting task and even a brief walk turns into a clock does not stop coughing. In Currently klichestvo asthma patients in the U.S.

alone is more than 17 million people and most unfortunate that this number is steadily increasing, it suffices to say that the number zbolevshih asthma in this country during the period from 1980 to 1994g.g. increased as much as 75%. Not rare, in recent years, and deaths as a result of the disease, and 90% of them among the elderly and in particular among women. But now we have a noni juice. In the lungs of human patients with asthma prishodit violation of the ways in which air moves, the bronchial tubes, exposed to allergens, incorrectly compressed and this prevents the removal of air from legkih.Mnogochislennye studies have shown correlation with allergic asthma, although not all suffer from allergic asthma, and conversely, not all asthmatics susceptible to allergies. The main symptoms of asthma: shortness of breath, wheezing, inability to breathe normally and the mucus or phlegm – producing cough. Even with very mild forms of asthma often have lung disease, which can be very unpleasant complications.

It would be all gorazdno worse if we did not have noni juice. Heredity is considered by many scientists, One of the main reasons that cause asthma. Asthma can also occur due to an allergic response of the body, hormones, bacterial and viral infections, stress and other various reasons. But there is still something. 30 – 40% of women experience asthma symptoms during their menstrual cycle. At the use of noni juice is disappearing. Another use of noni juice, proven by clinical studies of medical scientists, strengthens the immune system and increases cell structure of the bronchioles. This is due to prokseronina, which is transported to the affected cells and promotes their recovery. It has recently been investigated 5,689 people use Noni juice and asthma sufferers signs. 70% of them reported that asthma symptoms are greatly reduced and this is not the full course of rehabilitation. Number of noni juice consumed by these patients was 5 tablespoons per day.

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Vacuum Vegetables

In western Europe, surprise canned or vacuum packed vegetables nobody possible, these products have appeared on the shelves of European shops back in the 70’s of last century. At the same time store reach six months and apply technology preconditioning vegetables are harmless to human health. In the mid-’80s was an attempt to introduction of European technology evacuation of vegetables in the ussr. However, the stumbling block was the multi-layer film for vacuum packaging. Technology to produce such a film western companies kept secret and offered a ready-made film on the transfer under the state order. At this stage projects for evacuation of vegetables in the Soviet Union stalled.

Today in Russia a few plants produce the proper film and this the problem is removed. But still having problems with technology. In the majority of Russian enterprises use technologies and recipes developed during Soviet times. In the ussr, peeled vegetables were engaged in long-term storage canneries, their products are focused on supplies for the army, navy and the regions of the Far North. Most of these canneries were in the territory of the Republic of potato, now an independent Belarus. Development of technologies for preserving vegetables and potatoes by specialists of the Minsk ngo Beltehnoprod. Just mills cooperative industry produced sulfitirovannye sodium bisulfite vegetables, with shelf life of up to 24 hours outdoors, vegetables shipped in factory canteens, food factories.

With minor modifications, our businesses, today, for the production of vacuum packaged vegetables used technological instructions, developed in Soviet times for the psc. In Western countries, there are several alternative technologies for the preparation of vegetables and vacuum packaging. Shall not describe the standard operations calibration, removal of stones, cleaning, cleaning, additional cleaning and slicing vegetables, because the most interesting things happen after the vacuum packaging of raw, peeled, not treated with any solutions vegetables. Already packaged vegetables served the operation blanching, ie steaming, the design of the device allows blanch vegetables in containers at different modes with a change in atmospheric pressure and temperature steam. Blanching time of 40 to 60 minutes. Process rather complicated and the equipment is designed for better performance. Another method involves a preliminary antibacterial and antifungal treatment of vegetables, packaging, metallized multilayer packaging and pre-cooked vegetables. There are methods of packaging with an inert gas, etc. As for one, and at some other method of treatment, there is one feature – packed vegetables are soft and slightly slippery, giving the impression of not quite fresh product. Accordingly, domestic consumers may not like it. Nowadays in Russia is only one, harmless to health, the method pretreatment of vegetables. This is a very weak solution of the composition of food acids, antioxidants and vitamins. The technology was developed by the Belarusian enterprise “Mlechas” (which, incidentally, produces similar European line of vegetables, including the preparations for the vacuum packaging) for a company near Moscow “Agrostandart, producer of vegetable vacuum packed, semi-fortified for school meals. By and large packaged under vacuum vegetables now highly profitable, high demand product. In supermarkets, the party evacuated vegetables are not delayed more than 3-4 days. Housewife convenient to use peeled vegetables for cooking home meals (for vacuum packaging comes only selection of vegetables, which is associated with the desire of producers to get away from manual labor). Catering, restaurants, cooking with pleasure to use this product for their purposes. But we must not forget about the people, businesses must strive to make their product as safe for health, especially as these technologies There are already applied at our facilities.

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Internet Business

Choosing a business model of network marketing, or network marketing is like one of the best options that offers us the market to build a business without large investments but good future profitability. Among its many advantages, is to work it from your computer, in the comfort of your home, and the help of the Internet to reach thousands of potential customers who would normally be difficult to reach. This and your desire to grow as an entrepreneur and how the person will cause you might get all the goals you set. One important thing in this, that no one will make you believe that you’re going to register in a multilevel and everything is easy, it is not, you have to work hard, think how every business needs dedication, hard work, and many training to learn sales techniques, overcome difficulties, and much discipline, since this is a business in the medium term, that worked well will make you win money and freedom. Here I leave a few strategies that have always worked for me.

-Have a good up-line need a good teacher or mentor to guide you, someone you trust and which teach you everything that the knows about business, thinks that the has come the same way and will help you to not make mistakes and make your network of marketing big. -Choose a good MLM this if that is very important, since it has to give you training, support, work tools and a good compensation plan to make you earn money and teach your prospects to win it and grow with you. -Grows without stopping this is in relation to your training, if not you form your business will not grow or will achieve the desired results. Buy good books on the subject, following people who already have success, share this with your prospects and inject them with the energy that you have to keep them motivated. It leverages Internet since it is an infinite source of knowledge of all kinds. With these guidelines your way in the world of MLM will be much easier and will bring you good income and desired financial freedom. Pakki safe

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