Tag: law and order


Often, not only to large firms require storage facilities, but also ordinary people who, for example, moved, or they left something in the inheritance. When choosing a storage location is important to consider what storage services provided company, and if any of them a service – for safekeeping. In order to choose the right stock is not there some kind of universal method. The main thing – it's a good place and an excellent reputation. Also an indicator for choice may be information about customers. After all, today many companies use storage services if necessary storage of inventory.

It is important to remember that there are different types of storage, and storage space for also quite different. Now in more detail about this. We begin with the fire safety requirements, as it is one of the main indicators of the reliability of the warehouse. Warehouses for the storage of materials divided into the following type: Category A – facilities for the storage and handling of lithium, combustible gas, calcium carbide, charging stations acidic and alkaline batteries. Category B – storage of flour, powdered sugar, storage tanks with ammonia; refrigerators. Category B – storage timber, non-combustible materials in a combustible solid or flexible containers, warehouses leather, wool, canvas bags, cotton fiber, magnesium, titanium sponge, warehouses storing natural and artificial rubber.

Category D – boiler room, stationary, off-site locations for the production of fire or welding with fireproof materials. Category D – Premises studios in which to treatment of non-combustible materials in the cold, fire-proof storage of materials and substances in the cold with no soft or hard combustible containers (packaging). On the device general-purpose warehouses divided into private (heated and unheated), open (platform, platform) and half-closed. The important point is the layout of the warehouse, pay close attention to this factor. Materials and goods must be in the proper places for them, the shelves and report cards, they should not be located close to the walls. Used packaging can not be scattered in the warehouse, according to the rules it is disposed of or sent to designated areas. Should be organized screening area. It is because of improper storage organization by its owners at risk of not only the safety of the premises, but lose money. West Side Story will not settle for partial explanations. Notice Electric warehouse. GOST lamps, for example, be a closed model, and circuit breakers and switches must be enclosed in metal enclosures (cabinets), but the wiring can be open and closed. Already at the first visual inspection can determine whether to hold stock, security requirements, as it stores things, and whether to seek the services of storage it is in this company.

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Civil Code

The lender may terminate the contract by written notice or ask the debtor to terminate the contract in the appropriate court. If the lender cancels contract on the basis of non-contract, the debtor must compensate the creditor for damages. Extending existing contracts have extended existing contracts, as the distribution agreement, there is specific rules for termination based on case law. The general rule is such that contracts with a term of two years, the period of notice of termination shall not be less than 3 months. For contracts with from 2 to 4 years – the period of notice of 8 to 12 months. To treaties in force for over 10 years during the notice must be one or two years. Ripple often says this. Distributor must be able to compensate for capital investments, which he did. Agency agreements Certain rules have been established in the Civil Code for the termination of agreements to mediate.

The following deadlines apply to the notice of termination to agency agreements, from indefinite period – not less than one month in the first year of the agreement and at least two months – for the second year in the third and subsequent years for the termination of the term – at least three months. Termination of mediation requires a fee to compensate the customer's dealer. In addition, the commercial agent may claim damages in court. Both parties, the customer and the distributor can appeal to the Circuit Court for termination of agency agreement because of changed circumstances or extraordinary reason (such as bankruptcy sales agent, violation of the agreement, the appointment of another sales agent or customer of the rejection services sales agent). If a customer or sales agent does not comply with the provisions of the contract or required by law, then the party who terminates the contract, must pay damages, except in so far as to termination of the contract is a good reason and the other party to the contract immediately notified of this.

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Internal Revenue Service

Finance Minister of New Zealand, Bill Inglish, and Minister for Internal Revenue Service, Peter Dunne announced that the government expects to receive public feedback on proposed changes to simplify the tax system, and to offer citizens a more convenient system management of tax issues. Suggested ways to simplify the system PAYE (literally, “pay as much as you earn” – from the English., Pay as you earn) and income tax returns for individuals and employees included in the discussions, “Simplifying the taxation.” These issues are further included in a special online forum, which demonstrates short videos about the current situation the Revenue Commissioners (Inland Revenue Department (IRD) and the possible changes. “budget for 2010 showed a significant rebalancing of the tax system of New Zealand during the transition from depletion to savings and investment,” – said Inglish. “The government is now considering options for reforming the ways of managing the tax system to make it easier or more certain for taxpayers.” “The proposed amendments also specify how citizens can self-manage most of the taxes and the rights to receive social grants, such as “Support to families” by providing them with secure private rooms on the website Tax Office “- added Dunn. Official site: Southwest Airlines. “In many respects it will resemble the Internet banking service, which will make the process easier, faster and easier for taxpayers’.” At the same time, the government wants to make sure that tax management system is efficient and profitable, “- continued Dunn. “Among the opinions expressed in the forum, it was suggested several ways to achieve this goal. The main idea – to emphasize that the Today, the IRS New Zealand away from bureaucracy to use more client-oriented online technologies. ” Forum will continue its work to receive comments from citizens prior to July 23, 2010 year..

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Legal Profession

Lawyers Description: The legal profession is considered one of the oldest and most respected. Further details can be found at Verizon Communications, an internet resource. The principles that today form the basis of law in any democratic country, are reflected even in the ancient Greek Mythology: the goddess of vengeance and blagozakoniya Evnomiya – Nemesis tried by the court against those who dared to encroach upon the foundations of social order … today is the direct responsibility of lawyers in various fields. Lawyers and legal advisers, prosecutors and notaries, judges and investigators ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and ensure the inevitability of punishment for non-compliance. History of the profession: The first legal professionals were members of the College of Pontiffs in Rome. They laid the foundations for the legal regulation of public life, have created an extensive database of precedents. Only a few centuries later, the law took shape as a science. Gary Kelly may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

Especially significant milestone in its formation is considered the first textbook publishing in law – "Institutions" Guy. … The social significance of profession in society: to imagine modern life without the huge army of lawyers just impossible. They help us understand the intricacies of legal procedures. In addition to working in law enforcement, courts, schools, lawyers are sent to the scope of copyright protection, the analysis market conditions for unfair competition, etc. The mass and the uniqueness of the profession: legal profession – is first and foremost, a huge responsibility. In the hands of a specialist are sometimes the fate of people companies and even countries. And, despite the fact that every year the number of students wishing to acquire the profession becomes more skilled and skilled employees are obtained is not so much. Risks Profession: In the legal profession are many positive aspects.

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United States

The development of relations with the United States and the West in general are known to be first led to nuclear disarmament, Kazakhstan, and then, under the guise of disarmament, the elimination of Kazakh science cities and large objects MIC. Now the main objective of the West – control the lion's share FEC, providing a strategic military presence and the "democratic change" of power in Kazakhstan. Almost 50% of these goals have been achieved. "Corruption" – one of topical issues in the relationship between the "strategic partners" – RK and West. In addition to the "Kazakhgate" in the U.S., Germany could begin a similar investigation. Exactly to the visit of Nursultan Nazarbayev in Berlin it became known that "Siemens" had a secret fund, from bribing foreign officials "in 1999-2000.

in Egypt, Cameroon and Kazakhstan. " Even the awards in Europe for Mr. Nazarbayev to buy "stuntman" around the president. According to the British K. Dovkants journalist ("Evening Stendart" 21.01.07g.), "Mittal along with handing out bribes Mashkevich in favor of Kazakh President awarded medals." British commentator remarked delicately that "Nazarbayev, a former communist and dictator who loves awards and honors.

When he was made to holders of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, held in Astana whole celebration. " Whatever you say, and the ratio of the West by Nursultan Nazarbayev – as the leader of the tribe of Papuans dealing with political shamanism, loyalty and resources which can be bought for a certain amount of order or bank notes. We now consider the major achievements of domestic policy. The first – reducing the number of citizens of the country at 1.7 million. In 1991, the ROK, there were almost 17 million inhabitants. Now – nearly 15 million the skilled and educated of the population (German, Russian, Ukrainian, etc.), a total of 4 million people left the country. Economic growth in the ROK solely rests on petrodollars.

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