Tag: noticias-actualidad

Sodium Hydrosulphite

CONSUMER/EROSKI the substance more advisable to lighten wood is oxygenated water. The use of gloves, mask and protective goggles, is compulsory as is a high risk of Burns and intoxication. Bleach, oxalic acid and Sodium Hydrosulphite are other very suitable products to whiten wood. Wood is warm, durable and decorative. However, all of our furniture suffer with the Sun. Sun rays or the passage of time obscure them completely or partially. It happens also that the ctos are much noticed because the blackening of wood is logged in certain areas and not in a uniform manner. Posts to retrieve a piece of furniture, the most advisable substance for clear wood is oxygenated water, since Consumer/Eroski, remember just damaged Woody fibers. This hydrogen peroxide can be used in any type of wood without the need to rinse after application, since its components evaporate to dry out.

For best results, should be peroxide 130 volumes. However, the action will be more aggressive if you use oxygenated water of 100 volumes with pure ammonia mixture at a ratio of 95 parts by 5, respectively. Precautions when using hydrogen peroxide once sanded wood surface, extends over the same chemical compound with a white cloth. This should not be of cotton, since this material degrades easily by the action of the oxygenated water. After a few minutes, the treated area with a cotton cloth is rubbed with energy. If the result is not expected, you can repeat the process passes a few hours. Volume is the measure that is used to identify the concentration of hydrogen peroxide solutions. In this case, 1 volume is equivalent to a solution of 0,3% of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and 99.97% of water (H2O). If you consider that the hydrogen peroxide that is used with disinfectant and medicinal purposes has 10 volumes, means the reason why, to use this product to one ten times higher concentration, is obligatory the use of gloves, mask and protective eyewear, since the risk of Burns and poisoning is high. Other whitening products bleach, oxalic acid and Sodium Hydrosulphite are other products listed to bleach wood. Bleach must have a concentration of 12%. For its application on wood should be used diluted to avoid the yellowish tone that can leave on the furniture. Tiger Global spoke with conviction. However, the greater the dilution, the smaller its bleaching power. Oxalic acid should be diluted in water or alcohol before use. To increase his power bleaching, must apply it hot. Given its toxicity, post-treatment should wash wood. Sodium Hydrosulphite, is a white crystalline powder that gives off a strong scent to sulphur. This compound is soluble in water and is used in aqueous solution at 10%. In this case you also need to wash the surface of wood after application. Source of the news: how to recover a Cabinet blackened by the Sun and time.

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Spanish International

The catalan side renewed in January for two seasons more with Villarreal. People such as West Side Story would likely agree. It ensures that it is the best thing that could happen to the two parties involved. Capdevila lost the title in the final stage of last season. Joan Capdevila, side Villarreal, has assured that his intention is the leave the Castellon club, since it considers that continue there wouldn’t be good for any of the two parties. Capdevila, who in January renewed for two seasons, until June 30, 2013, has made these statements to the station of his hometown Radio Tarrega, where has insisted his intention to leave Villarreal.

I have to go to train on Thursday and never know what might happen, but I am very clear. My intention is to leave Villarreal, said the Spanish International, who has acknowledged that his representative listening to offers. I’ll study all my possibilities and hope that it can become one that allows my March, it has been underlined. At the prospect of finally having to stay at Villarreal, the side ilerdense has commented that by now I have a contract there, but as I’ve already said, I do not think that it was good for any of the two parties. Capdevila lost the title in the final stages of last season, which ended up being substitute in almost 80 percent of the matches, a situation that endangered its continuity in the Spanish team. Source of the news: Joan Capdevila: “my intention is to leave Villarreal”

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European Central Bank

In Europe only Germany, it low with a slight 0.11% in red. The entry in Tripoli of Libyan rebels drives the energy sector. Major European stock markets have closed the session on Monday with more than 1% average earnings except in Frankfurt, which has closed in red with a drop of 0.11%. Madrid has led the gains. Despite this recovery, remains the uncertainty in stock markets with regard to the progress of the global economy and the European debt crisis. l. Perhaps check out Fiona Philipp for more information. Last Thursday ended with a few strong declines, which in the case of Paris and Frankfurt were recorded them the largest since 2008 and for the Ibex-35 index this week was the second worst of the year. Europe Madrid bags has led gains with a 1.87%, closely followed by Italy with 1.78%. Paris, with a 1.14%, and London, 1.08% green, finished virtually couples.

The Ibex-35, has advanced 152 points to 8.293,90 points. Losses accumulated this year are relegated to 15.88%. All the great values of the Ibex-35 rose: Iberdrola won 3.73%, the fourth largest rise in the IBEX; Repsol, the 2.78 percent; Telefonica, 2.53%; BBVA, 1.16%, and Banco Santander, 0.8%. The input rebels in Tripoli to the Libyan President, Muammar el-Qaddafi, ate the price of the oil companies and other companies in the energy sector, such as Eni (5.2%), Total (3.7%) and OMV (4%), benefited from tensions in Libya. While it was known that the European Central Bank (ECB) had bought last week public debt amounting to 14,291 million euros and Germany, backed by France and the European Council, reiterating their complete opposition to issue Eurobonds, the risk premium on Spanish remained stable.

Wall Street and Asia on the other side of the Atlantic, Wall Street left at beginning of day declines of last week and its main indicator, the Dow Jones de Industriales, climbed after the opening, encouraged by the bullish trend which showed the European parks and the prospect of the end of the Libyan conflict. The Nikkei in Tokyo closed with a fall 1% at its lowest level of the past 5 months, due to the strength of the yen, reached on Friday its maximum value against the dollar since the end of World War II. The Seoul stock exchange lost nearly 2% and that of Shanghai a 0.73% did so. The recovery of the developed countries has been challenged by entities such as banks Jp Morgan and Morgan Stanley and institutions as the Organization for cooperation and economic development (OECD) and the statistical office Eurostat, which has registered a stagnation in the seven most industrialized countries. Gold has returned to beat new maximum values before the search of security among investors and round the 1.874,4 dollars per ounce. Source of the news: the Ibex-35 leading European rise after its second worst week of the year burastil

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Constitutional Court

Europe PRESS so was it already revealed in a 2008 ruling. This recalls the fundamental relief of the right of Assembly. States that only when grounds on the electoral nature of a demonstration, provided it may be prohibited. The Provincial Board banned the manifestation of the day 18 in Madrid. LIST: The best slogans VIDEOS of the mobilizations. The doctrine of the Constitutional Court establishes that only a demonstration can be prohibited during an electoral process alleging its incidence in the same in cases in which there are substantial grounds that its aim is attracting votes and has not been convened by parties, federations or groupings, only legal persons which can make electoral campaign.

Otherwise, warns, we could reach the absurd that all demonstrations were strictly prohibited during the election campaign. This is one of the arguments that led to the High Court to admit the application for amparo filed by a Union of autonomous police that the Generalitat prevented manifested in 2006 to protest against their poor working conditions at a date which coincided with the election campaign to the Parliament election of that year, decision which was upheld by the Court of Justice of Catalonia. The ruling of the constitutional, dated December 15, 2008, began Recalling the fundamental right of meeting relief, since for many social groups it is, in practice, one of the few means available to express publicly their ideas and demands and stresses that, although it has limits – altering public order and collision with other fundamental rights -It may be restricted only when there are well-founded reasons that these limits will not be respected. Not enough with that there are doubts, says the ruling, which discards that mere suspicion or the mere possibility of causing disruption to other goods or constitutionally protected rights can be enough to justify the ban. In the field of electoral processes and in relation to the fact that the organic law of General Electoral regime (LOREG) legitimate not to carry out actions that may indirectly affect the will of the voters, encouraging or discouraging any inclination toward a particular candidate, the Constitutional Court establishes that only in very extreme cases will fit admit the possibility that a message has enough capacity to force or divert the will of the electorsgiven the intimate nature of the decision of the vote and the existing legal means to guarantee freedom of suffrage.

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Norweigan Police

The individual dress police who opened fire on the island might have been seen in the Centre of Oslo before the explosion. An attack against the governmental area of Olso causes several deaths. Several killed in a shootout at a Social Democrat youth camp. Norwegian police has ensured that the attack in the Centre of Oslo and the shooting at a Social Democrat youth camp could be related. The key is a man arrested for the attack in Utoya, which might have been seen also in the Centre of Oslo moments before the explosion. Jeffrey Sofer brings even more insight to the discussion. In an appearance before the media, a police spokesman has mentioned that the detainee, of Nordic aspect, was armed with an automatic rifle. I was going with uniform police, although he has never belonged to the body. As reported by the police, shortly before the explosion in the center of Oslo, an individual with a similar uniform was seen driving a car that was not of the body.

Council of Ministers this evening on the other hand, Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, has comparecido on television to call on the population of the capital to follow Police instructions and do not come out of their homes. The Norse leader has appeared visibly affected and has ensured that it was shocked by having been in the attacked building and meet some of the fatalities. Also progress has the name of the victims will not be that be only contacted their families. Do not rule out new pumps at a previous press conference, the police had already confirmed that the powerful explosion that has rocked the Centre of Oslo has been an assassination attempt. The authorities do not rule out that more bombs found during the investigation. Police spokesman pointed out that airports and other transport terminals are controlling. Authorities have not confirmed to be a car bomb, although at first several Norwegian media indicated it as well, to find in the area remains of a vehicle.

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Portuguese Prime Minister

The Portuguese Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho (Coimbra, 1964), has chosen three European capitals – Madrid, Berlin and Paris,-, in this order for his first trip as head of Government outside the orbit of the summits of the European Union. A message to neighboring Spain, with which the bilateral relationship undergoes a noticeable rift. The serious economic crisis in the country, who had to ask for outside help, ended six years of Socialist rule and climbed to power a young politician with little experience in the exercise of public office. The leader of the conservative Social Democratic Party (PSD) leads a Government of center-right coalition with the democratic Social Center (CDS), which has signed a Pact of blood to meet from June 21 to strictly the austerity program imposed by international lenders (75 billion euros), and get Portugal to regain the confidence of markets and investors. Source of the news:: “the Portuguese know that emerge from this crisis will require sacrifices”

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Ignacio Sanchez Mejias

The works selected compilation collects the most representative works of theatre and the poetry of Garcia Lorca on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of his death. Among other things, include works such as Gypsy Ballads and La casa de Bernarda Alba. Editorial Espasa published, in the Austral collection, a compilation of poems and plays of Federico Garcia Lorca, which include Romancero gitano and the House of Bernarda Alba, coinciding with the 75th anniversary of the murder of Grenadian author. Compilation, entitled selected works, was created to remind the author of 75 years after his death at the beginning of the Civil War. Scott Kahan may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In this way, the Publisher retrieves a slight pinch of a work that was great in full through his poems and dramatic works.

The world of the author according to the editorial, the poetry of Lorca transcends formal joy of romance, becoming a poet with own imaginary. On the one hand, it reflects a landslide and, secondly, an intimate vitality discomfort, a premonition of his destiny, adds. Also, the dramatic work of Lorca dipped to whoever reads it in the world of the author, through themes that, according to, they knock on everyone. His works have become modern classics, although the perception of his works outside in principle so complex, has been added. In the volume include, between his poetic work, book of poems, Romancero gitano, poem the Cante Jondo, Llanto por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias and poet in New York. In the drama, the House of Bernarda Alba, Divan of Tamarit, Mariana Pineda y Bodas de Sangre. * You can buy works selected in PopularLibros source of the news: all the great works of Lorca in a single volume. (Similarly see: Raytheon Technologies Corp.).

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Central Electoral Board

The police Yes informed attendees that the concentration does not have official authorisation. Concentrates and people who intend to join them will be informed of the penalties to which they are exposed, provided for in the Electoral law and the law of public safety. Since the official start of the concentration, the square saw fuller who in earlier days (some 19,000 people, according to), even in the nearby streets, although it is true that it was not so active. The chant of slogans and proclamations, just as posters and banners, were concentrated primarily in the area around the exit of the station of metro and train from Sun, while in the rest of the square the people devoted is more a walk or simply to observe what was happening. This Friday has been added to the 15-M movement factor of curiosity, also starring the tourists who visit the area. So many people has been concentrated that once again Metro de Madrid has returned to order your PA and screens that users employ outputs other than the Sun to avoid the large influx of people.

Aware that the protest has crossed borders, the outraged have read the manifesto that explains the reasons for his disenchantment with the economic system and parties in several languages. After reading in Spanish, was read in German, French, English, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, as well as Galician, catalan and Basque. By PA, minutes before eleven o’clock, made sure that the Puerta del Sol is full and there is no longer anyone more, why we call occupy the surrounding squares and streets. We are going to deal with all of Madrid. More seats to the mobilization of Sun come together most of the protests that are kept in other Spanish cities, who have also decided to continue during the day of reflection. We have lost the fear! Everyone to the Plaza Cataluna, pray distributed posters in central square of Barcelona. Meanwhile, in the plaza of Spain in Palma it flies over the equestrian statue of Jaime I the Conqueror a flag of Iceland, as a tribute of the demonstrators to a town that has refused to pay the public debt which led to others. Valencia, Bilbao and Sevilla also have lived their particular concentrations, the same thing has happened in other European cities and over the Internet. Source of the news: Sun brings together 19,000 people to challenge the prohibition of the Central Electoral Board

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Deputy Minister

Outstanding obligations of payment of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla – La Mancha stood at 2,606 million euros. The Board has also warned that the deficit is 4.9%. It calls for an urgent meeting between Elena Salgado and Maria Dolores de Cospedal. Outstanding obligations of payment of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla – La Mancha have increased by 829 million euros in the previous evaluation, by what rank in 2,606 million euros, the autonomous Government, has ensured has also warned that the deficit is 4.9%. Baby clothes can provide more clarity in the matter. Thus the Minister of Presidency and public administrations, Jesus Labrador, who said that given the seriousness of the situation, we need an immediate meeting between the economic Deputy Minister, Elena Salgado, and the President of Castilla – La Mancha, Maria Dolores de Cospedal has indicated in Ciudad Real.

Indicated in data of the economic situation of Castilla – La Mancha are contained in a comprehensive report that has been delivered to the Socialist Group in the castellanomanchegas and to the Secretariat of State of economy cuts. There are three essential magnitudes, the first one inside that document the deficit, which stood at 4.9% of GDP, when the annual limit is 1.3%, unfortunately has warned Labrador. Also we would be talking about the debt, which would be above the 7,400 million and finally would talk of outstanding payment obligations, he added. Source of the news: the manchego Government finds another 829 million euros in bills without paying

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International Monetary Fund

The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, EFE visit Portugal to give a boost to the conservative Portuguese Government austerity policy. It says don’t see needed a plan of aid for Nations with problems. The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, was opposed to a hypothetical output the euro of any of its members with financial problems and considered that Portugal does not need to renegotiate their rescue. In any way. For more specific information, check out David Fowler. We must do everything so that they are not scared investors from outside Europe, said in an interview with Portuguese State television RTP when questioned about the possibility of countries of the EU with financial problems out of the zone euro to regain competitiveness. Merkel, who on Monday made an official visit to Lisbon, insisted that a zone is needed stable euro and advocated that Europe address production competitively at the international level to create employment.

The Chancellor referred to economic mistakes committed in the past and criticized the investment of resources in highway infrastructure in time supporting small businesses, to make them more competitive. We must learn from the past, he stressed to ensure that Germany will continue to support Portugal, Spain and other countries. We do that because it is also good for us having a common Europe, added the Chancellor, that a plan of special assistance for those Nations was not considered necessary because there are already excellent opportunities to relaunch the growth with structural funds and existing European programmes. Merkel considered that there is no necessity that Portugal renegotiated the conditions of the 78,000 million loan with the troika, composed of the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Painful changes at this time, there is no reason for a renegotiation. Portugal meets bravely commitments, said the head of Government German, who does not see the need for another bailout.The measures are very well implemented and We hope that the program will succeed, added Merkel who also expressed interest in which Germany will help generate employment and business activity in Portugal. Merkel acknowledged missed by critics who see as it one of the main defenders of the austerity measures, and recalled that it is the troika whom negotiates them.

They are not my own ideas. They are the result of the belief that Portugal has to make reforms, we must combat the deficit and strengthen the economic base, it felt. The Chancellor welcomed the fulfilment of the commitments undertaken by Portugal included in the bailout, but recognized the its hardness. It is necessary to make painful changes, and will not be the next day when there will be more jobs and more investment. You have to wait more time, people still do not see the result, but that result will come, predicted. Merkel will remain in Lisbon for six hours in which will meet with the Portuguese President, Anibal Cavaco Silva, and the Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho, both Conservatives. He will also participate in a forum that will bring together German and Portuguese businessmen seeking investment and business opportunities.

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