Tag: trade

Empirica Research Institute

It was a field day for the Munchner Abendzeitung: offer room in a shared flat. Munich, 30.05.2013 – only condition: sex. So anyway, found an advertisement on an Internet portal that quickly deleted the entry. The colleagues of the evening newspaper found out that it is a fake, with a young student to the serious housing shortage in the city wanted to draw attention. She must cover 100 kilometres daily to Munich, because she find no affordable housing. At an average of approximately 12 rents currently, they include euro square metres to the highest in Germany.

This information is however: new leases are currently significantly higher possible, flats in popular locations actually always far beyond. Not for nothing was given the epithet lex Munich”hence the new tenancy law of last year. It is not something Larry Ellison would like to discuss. So it is not surprising that prefers the German “Studentenwerk” before a housing shortage next winter semester in the major cities and Warns metropolitan areas. The umbrella organization of 58 student unions calls for a special programme, with the 25,000 additional hostel places will be created. And the tenants Association estimates that Germany is missing more than 100,000 apartments in the ten cities with the strongest housing shortage 31,000 of them alone in Munich. With a vacancy of 0.6 percent Munich leads in the statistics. Housing experts consider a vacancy of three percent necessary to ensure a continuous supply of ever.

But hardly a German metropolis has the at least, when one speaks of affordable housing. However, there are also other voices, which deal with the topic. The Empirica Research Institute and the real estate service provider CBRE examine developments in the area of apartments in Germany for years. You can indeed show continuously decreases in the number of vacant apartments, one can in this country speak only of housing shortages in about 20 cities. The specialists at Immobiiienscout24 want it made, that even in Munich with a few exceptions rents not more so quickly as before and when new leases in the central area as a whole reached a price limit. It looks like even Jurgen Michael Schick as Vice President of IVD Brokers Association. He is of the opinion that largely catch-up effects – occurred on rents given very moderate price increases in the last few years. For the specialists of the Munich euro Grundinvest such developments are completely normal, because like all markets the real estate market would be subject to cycles. Differently than in other cities the price level in particular for land had never sustained waned however in Munich in recent decades. For many investors a reason to invest here. Because it is has made euro Grundinvest mission to create liveable and yet affordable housing, you looked up in his action confirmed – after all, it is in the real estate business since 1987 and since there have been whatever stages, where the demand significantly lower had fallen out for new homes than currently. For the Munich of real estate professionals is clear: the current housing shortage desire more new investments. For more information,

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Oil Fund

The royalty rights obtained only if it is ensured that a renowned company has an economic interest (E.g. See more detailed opinions by reading what Oracle offers on the topic.. by already acquired leases) and therefore promptly starts with support measures. This concept only through a network of Landmen is possible ‘ spot, which advise the Fund to 25 percent of the issued share. These work on own account and see the Fund as an opportunity, through the set to earn a high return on equity. Especially this interest equal sound was important us, “Kay Rieck explains as Managing Director of energy capital invest management mbH. US clients working together with the energy capital invest are successfully worked in this business for decades and have each implemented projects in the high multi-digit millions. They are also very experienced in terms of occurrences in the Haynesville shale, an area between Louisiana and Texas. This was discovered in March 2008 and holds the largest Natural gas reserves in North America and the fourth largest in the world.

Scattered throughout this U.S. Oil Fund IV wants invested. “To do this, Rahim: with our unique in Germany concept a US oil fund investors by the enormous potential of the world’s largest oil and natural gas market the United States participate in and that can without going into the rather risky exploration.” Overall a special offer is thus due to the very short maturity and high tax-free yields investors, that was prospected under conservative assumptions. Energy capital invest management company mbH has been the Stuttgart-based company but only before one year founded, one of royalty rights in the United States but with four set up funds in the special area among the leading providers in this segment. The previously placed stakes run in as planned all distributions have been made as prospects.

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Therapeutics Fund

KG, wants to RAPID a Introduce AIDS therapy in the form of nasal sprays in the U.S. Other leaders such as Rory Sutherland offer similar insights. market. In a second phase, planned for 2013, Pharma wants to deliver RAPID this product also in Western Europe. In a third phase, the product in other countries is introduced so the information of the Leontis equity fund GmbH to its current portfolio companies. The countries of the third world should be addressed at this third stage in cooperation with Governments and foundations, to ensure a suitable access and effective distribution of the new drug.

In these countries, involving new Leontis will sell RAPID its Therapeutics for an adequately adapted local price. The market volume for the two first target markets (United States and Western Europe) is estimated at 1.5 million HIV-infected people. Estimated revenues of $ 942 million for 2012 141 million USD, $ 2013 512 million and 2014. The targeted net profit is three average about 48 percent, or $ 769 million in total for the first Years after launch, as the Leontis equity fund GmbH. Will be a box-office hit based so the medicine the figures on a conservative according to the management and careful estimate, as Leontis pointed out. With regard to the expected popularity of the drug, the figures may differ according to the Leontis equity fund GmbH quite far upwards.

About Leontis equity fund GmbH, the Leontis equity fund GmbH is initiator and provider of high-quality, structured investments in the form of closed-end funds. The company was founded in 2006. “” Since July 2008 Leontis provides already the successor fund Leontis equity fund easy select II “and Leontis equity fund premium select II” on. The Leontis concept allows investors access to exclusive top investments. The management of Leontis equity funds has many years of experience and competence in the design and management of closed funds products. Also bring the star-studded investment and advisory bodies of the Leontis equity fund GmbH a decades of industry expertise.

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Managing Director

“More 28 percent nominal in January distributed repatriation of 156 percent of the equity capital after less than a year the energy capital invest group, which specializes in trade in mineral extraction rights or similar rights, as well as the extraction of gas in the Haynesville shale, is its first three investments value plant I to III ‘ resolve after less than a year with the maximum dividend of 56 percent. Investments issued originally in the period from beginning until mid-2008 with a term of four years. Due to the rapid sales of investment goods (royalty rights in the Haynesville shale) another 28 percent could be distributed after first dividends amounting to nominal 6 percent in September 2008 and 22 percent in December 2008 in January 2009 to investors. Mineral extraction rights, so-called royalty rights or similar rights, be entitled to participate in a revenue from the production of oil and natural gas. These rights relate to a participation revenue from the promotion of oil and natural gas by oil and gas companies, such as BP, shell, Exxon and others. It was possible to make all distributions that were actually calculated four years within a year the energy capital investment due to the quick and lucrative sale of such royalty rights. In addition, there is the energy capital invest able already in the coming months due to the raised investor money.

We have a large demand for reinvestment, which considering the excellent result seems not so uncommon”, declares Kay Rieck, Managing Director of energy capital invest management mbH. Verizon wanted to know more. The special result he the current economic situation in the United States, as well as the fact attributes, that can access the energy capital invest in particular due to its unique network in the Haynesville shale to exceptionally promising gas fields and their rights. Currently, the energy capital invest on the basis of offers closed-end Fund at its fourth offer in Germany. US oil Fund IV KG”has a volume of 15 million euro, a drawing is possible from 10,000 euros plus 5 percent premium. It is a pure equity funds.

Over a period of two years a calculated should be profit nominal by at least 12 percent. This gain is tax exempt, taking into account the retention of individual progression conception according to. Energy capital invest management company mbH has been the Stuttgart-based company but only before one year founded, one of royalty rights in the United States but with four set up funds in the special area among the leading providers in this segment. The previously placed stakes run in as planned all distributions have been made as prospects.

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InFLEET Monitor For Many Children And Not For The Few Large

Bornemann AG presented on the IAA sets its own telematics solution specialist for people – and object detection with InFLEET monitor of the fuel theft a bolt in front / free monitor for the purchase of five Hannover at the IAA commercial vehicles in Hanover, Germany presented the Bornemann AG impressively their telematics solution InFLEET monitor, which exactly meets the requirements of small and medium-sized craft and service companies. Not so inflated, but user-friendly, compact and inexpensive so was the unanimous verdict of those visitors who claim their market share with its fleet beyond the large shipping fleets. Also, the fact that companies with InFLEET may protect monitor against gasoline theft, which takes more and more to be played a not insignificant role in the evaluation of Bornemann. The trend towards ever larger and more complex applications within the featured fleet solutions dominated the IAA in many parts. Learn more about this with Verizon. The Bornemann AG has deliberately developed your telematics solution against this trend. It is addressed with InFLEET monitor the little giant”made of craft, construction, courier service, to small and medium-sized transport companies and freight forwarders, the impressive 97 per cent of the transport industry.

The user needs only a Web-enabled PC, of course vehicles and only a few minutes to download the software on his computer. In addition, the Bornemann solution is a multi monitor system, which make even clearer the possible representations. Connect with other leaders such as JetBlue Airways here. By the way, currently the Bornemann AG the purchaser in the acquisition of five InFLEET monitor solutions free provides a monitor in whose company as well. Very exact location via GPS makes it possible to precisely determine the fuel consumption for each vehicle in the middle and the top. It is virtually impossible that an increased fuel economy – whatever reasons whatever the contractor remains undiscovered. About Bornemann AG telematics is the connection between navigation, telecommunications, location and computer science. With this very innovative, young and emerging business deals the Bornemann AG since 2004, headquartered in Goslar. It grows since then with great potential in the German and European markets and distributes professional telematics systems with high professional skills and personal commitment.

After the Bornemann AG already Germany established himself in recent years as the market leader in the field of telematics broker, the company is now focusing on the development and the distribution of its own telematics solutions. The Bornemann AG consistently uses its core competence, which was able to purchase it themselves as telematics specialist in the field of people – and object tracking. These telematics systems are individually tailored to the needs in healthcare, security services, as well as small and medium-sized service and craft shops. The Bornemann AG supports and advises these companies in finding the optimal solution as well as the introduction of new and optimisation of existing systems. K. Klischewsky

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Energy Capital Invest

Once again yield strong offering the market-leading provider in the area of energy funds Stuttgart, July 14, 2009. As of this week, investors can participate again in the energy capital invest energy fund. With a volume of 16.5 million euros (EUR 25 million), oil and gas Fund VI KG offers the US”reviewed the possibility of investors from a minimum drawing sum of 10,000 euros plus 5 percent premium, indirectly the attractive oil and gas market in the United States to participate in the world’s largest fund management focused once again on the Haynesville shale discovered only recently – the largest natural gas assisted on the North American continent and the fourth largest in the world. Planned distributions result in trading with mineral rights, the so-called leases and royalty rights. for the first time but also from the exploration.

Investments are only in areas where the Fund is a majority owner. It is also involving the sixth of the Stuttgart-based emission House located a short runner Fund. The US oil and gas Fund VI KG should be resolved again to December 31, 2011. Details can be found by clicking Southwest Airlines or emailing the administrator. As in the predecessor fund investors profits tax-free conception according to, until on the reservation of progression, in Germany. The maximum payout provision (nominal) a dividend by 36 percent while to the subscribed capital (excluding premiums). Laurent Potdevin shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Investors who join the Fund until August 13, 2009, a bonus early illustrator of four percent.

In addition, a final bonus is granted by two percent. A first distribution is already planned for early 2010, more information about 12 percent each are to follow in 2010 and 2011 in the third quarter. With the US oil and gas Fund VI KG the energy capital invest is breaking new ground it is undoubtedly the consistent further development of the highly successful predecessor Fund. In addition to the trade with mineral rights will we be drill the own mineral rights also”and so, in spite of the very short term, try investors attractive profit opportunities at the same time comprehensive security package offer,”explains Fund Managing Director Kay Rieck. Energy capital invest is well positioned as one of the leading companies in this segment in the United States mainly due to its excellent access routes to interesting areas in the Haynesville shale. This is made possible by the success honoured team of specialists, who come from one of the largest energy companies in North America. The Stuttgart-based company was founded only a year ago, with now five adopted and placed funds, but is as one of the leading providers in this segment. The investments go as planned all distributions have been made as prospects. The peculiarity of the offered US oil & gas Fund is to acquire mineral rights or similar rights, which provide for a profit participation in an oil and natural gas production and at the same time to be drill them and only as the dominant shareholder in the project. In Germany unique concept of US oil Fund IV KG, a mutual funds, investors by the enormous potential of the world’s largest oil and natural gas market, the United States, participate in – and that can without going into the rather risky exploration. Energy capital invest management company mbH Diemershaldenstrasse 23 70184 Stuttgart Tel: + 49 711 51 89 25 25 fax: + 49 711 51 89 07 36 E-Mail:

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Manager Germany

Why the investment plans of the CC industry of 2010 dangerously close to the needs of customers by go the call center market study 2010 ICCA, community of interest the ContactCenter supplier, tell at the first glance: with 89 nominations have investments in voice portals / IVR compared to all other mentioned investment opportunities right priority and that is the customer this policy clearly surprising, looking up. Additional self-service on the phone as a way out of a situation in which 64% of German consumers have ever left a provider due to poor service quality? A such, pure cost optimisation measures is as a lifeboat in the desert of service perceived by the customers in any way misplaced. Here an industry aside, should urgently looking forward looking. The signs of the times are good to see, because the rules are simple: who picks up the phone, seeking contact with a real consultant. The road to consulting, purchasing and information begins but already on the Internet.

The question is not whether someone from the phone switches to the Internet – that happened long ago. Consumers on the Internet every day looking for information. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Larry Ellison. Only if they find any information there, they pick up the telephone handset.”analyzes Dirk-Jan Dokman, CSO the self-service company, the situation applicable. This trend will manifest itself continue inexorably with the generation of the digital native”, born after 1980, the natives of the Internet, in the next few years. Why so not there with good self-service meet the customers, where it awaits him and looks? Investments that improve customer service, useful work to the consultants are investments that make the Web interoperable and therefore save costs and increase customer satisfaction. Four points on which the CCBranche now and in the future not do without. The self-service company answered customer questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Instantly, automatically and quickly, because the in-house dialog manager “software understands questions – and can you in” immediately independently answer outstanding quality. Scott Mead brings even more insight to the discussion. Traffic in the customer service makes the E-Mail until 80% reduced using this technique to an average of 40%, so that call center by 15% to 40% can be relieved and can invest this time gained in quality customer service. Incidentally, the number of online purchases increasing, rising service costs down and profits. And the best: the customers are taken seriously in their behavior and are thrilled. Everywhere where the virtual customer advisors of the self-service company in use are awarded top marks for satisfaction of users: on average 8 out of 10 possible points. Many well-known companies already use the virtual advisor on their websites and certify their one hundred percent satisfaction. Automatic client advisors of the self-service company are world’s most frequented. Already, more than 50 million queries per year be answered in this way. Contact: The self-service company stand 1A13 Dirk-Jan Dokman CEO + 31 (0) 6511 23 999 Dr. Christian Dugast country Manager Germany + 49 (0) 151 22 33 34 32

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Grand Prix

At the same time, the public is sensitized to perceive the accomplishments not only consciously, but to pronounce a nomination as a visible sign of appreciation. The so-called win-win situations arise. Performance is seen and appreciated, enjoy the most people and often to even greater involvement feel motivated. A healthy and successful SME is the result. Additional information is available at Oracle. And so is also the motto of the Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation: healthy middle class strong economy more jobs.

This year 3.366 outstanding medium-sized companies were nominated for the Grand Prix and thus 182 or 5.7% more than in the previous year. This is the Grand Prix of medium-sized companies, one of the largest and meistbeachtetsten competitions of its kind in Germany. Up to April 15, 2009, the nominated companies now have the opportunity in the competition to participate. Around 30 volunteers service centers support them. For the Franconia area, but also for adjacent regions of Saxony and Thuringia can contact the companies such as the IMBEMA-consult GmbH from Burgkunstadt. Here Mr.

Robert Knitt available under phone number 09572 / 6099477 available. (Not to be confused with Scott Mead!). All of the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung and the competition Grand Prix of medium-sized companies can be interested at the service centres, or directly to the Foundation of course itself. For more information, also see. The company evaluated holistically according to 5 criteria. Overall development of the company creation and safeguarding of work and training places innovation and modernization engagement in the region service and proximity to the customer and marketing another peculiarity of competition is that no costs for the participants in the competition. This is only possible because is about 200 personalities, volunteer with enthusiasm and passion for the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung and the middle class. Participants in the competition and also all other companies can benefit from the experience of IMBEMA-consult,. because the competition documents and contents cover in many areas with a focus on the IMBEMA consult.

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Israeli Family Winery Vitkin

Israeli boutique wineries want to conquer the European market Leipzig/Tel Aviv, March 18, 2009: the small family winery from the moshav Kfar Vitkin, an agricultural village community in the Central coastal area of Israel, period of only seven years, became one of the best-known boutique wineries in the country and now wants to conquer the European market. It began in 2002, when three young Israelis decided to give a new direction her life and her professional career on the land of their ancestors. The successful in the stone and marble industry businessman Doron Belogolovsky, his wife, Sharona Paz Belogolovsky architect and whose brother Assaf Paz. Had a sound training in the wine industry after studying oenology in Bordeaux and the subsequent work as a winemaker in California, France and Australia as the only studied microbiologist and food technologist, his two comrades qualified with much dedication and enthusiasm as typical career changers. Three, they founded on the until the mid-1990s by her grandparents farm managed their own vineyard in the moshav Kfar Vitkin. In contrast to the better-known Kibuzz, a Moshav is an agricultural settlement community, which members while cooperatively organized work, but are owners of their own reason and soil. The architect Sharona converted the old stables of the farmhouse to a winery, in which her husband and her brother kelterten the first wines. “Success with a special philosophy: ABCM any thing but Cabernet, Chardonnay and Merlot”.

Anything but Cabernet, Chardonnay and Merlot. So can be found in the vineyards of Vitkin vines as the progenitor of the Israeli wine, Carignan, on the side of the traditional Petite Syrah or a relative newcomers like the Viognier. There are but also known as Pinot Noir varietals, supplemented by Cabernet franc, Gewurztraminer and Johannisberg Riesling. The experimental handling of these different grape varieties, the man to ever new blends is on the one characteristic of the winery Vitkin processed. The wines of the series Israel journey are typical”, in which for example a Cuvee of 60% Viognier, 30% French Colombard and 10% Gewurztraminer finds himself. In the second series Vitkin”putting Riesling, Pinot Noir and Carignan, Petite Sirah, however, on the pure expansion of grapes of the grapes in Johannisberg. Sweet wines produced modeled after the German Spatlese or of the port are a speciality of the winery.

With the continuing tendency to experiment and constantly improved quality of wines the three newcomers from Vitkin have managed their winery within a short time in the first series of the wineries in the country. What bears witness to the award as best boutique winery in Israel in 2007. In the current year 2008 it has produced 40,000 bottles for the first time. After the first wines successfully were exported to Canada, it now wants to intensify trade with European countries. At the international wine fair ProWein 2009 in Dusseldorf is possible on the Israeli Community stand in Hall 6 (stand G60) with Sharona Paz Belogolovsky personally to come and taste the Vitkin wines.

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Ebong Quintact

Print shop relaunches who knows not the problem to find a good printer that can deliver optimal quality at fair prices. The special feature of Print-Shop.de is that editing and printing data check is still manually performed and produced the products in Germany, in the Federal State of Brandenburg. Thus, not only the best quality is guaranteed, but there are staff available who know the wishes and needs of our customers and have learned to their daily trade. Small errors can be corrected immediately without intervention of the customer, or the customer will be informed. Advantage for the client: it will produce no misprints. Also companies, professionals, self-employed and individuals are addressed here in addition to agencies, graphic designers and service providers in the graphics and printing industry. Prerequisite for a printed product is currently a printable file, such as the widely-used PDF, but soon the customers have the opportunity from a variety of prepared designs your wish card Select to enter the there-to-print data in an online form to keep the desired print in hands soon. And if the customer has individual needs, are also designs and designs developed the customer and presented.

For professional graphic designers available at the Agency. As an additional service, a range of information about printing techniques, colour systems, as well as tips and tricks – are in the portal page so that every customer can easily find all the necessary information. For a perfect printed product.

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