Tag: trade

Solar Investment

France excites with respectable single dining value yields key point is the improvement of the energy performance of buildings with 192 billion. As a second objective, the development of renewable energies follows with 115 billion. Objective is to expand the solar power capacity of 1,100 megawatts until 2012 and then to 5,400 MW by 2020. The amount of the feed-in tariff is in France not according to the size of the plant, but after the building integration, the location and very relevant, the date of commissioning of the system. So energy from building-integrated solar power systems, at the beginning of the feed will be paid in 2009 and 2010, with up to 60 cents per kilowatt hour. For investors from Germany, the height of a dining value yields is a relevant criterion.

However, it should be not the only one. Money investments pose a number of risks, which want to be deliberate abroad. Because in addition to the long”investment period of usually 20 years regional characteristics play a role should not be underestimated. It is self-evident that the success of the investment in highly depends on the contractors, its competence and the realization. BCN business connecting network has a competent partner at his side in this area. This has not only the engineering experience, but provides access to reputable service providers through its network. More information about the subject of renewable energy investments see under: business-connecting.de/alternativeanlage.shtml press contact: bcn – business connecting network Mr. Ralf Hettinger diesel road 2 61381 Czemins village mobile: + 49 (0) 157 – 74 20 79 59 Tel. + 49 (0) 60 07 – 28 92

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Seventh Fund Energy

\”Consistent further development of the optimum use of the entire energy value chain starting Fund series has already done the Stuttgart-based energy company energy capital invest, which specializes in the production of oil and natural gas from shale deposits in the United States and trade in mineral extraction rights, his seventh participation currently starts the US oil and gas Fund VII KG\”. The volume of Fund to place amounts to at least 19 and EUR 40 million. A participation is possible from 10,000 euros plus five per cent premium. Investments are made in the exploration of two production units in the Eagle Ford shale. The area located in Texas, with an estimated 19 trillion cubic feet of natural gas is probably the largest gas and oil aid on the North American continent and has an excellent network of pipelines and refineries. In addition to the trade of mineral extraction rights, the one to raise end funds mainly for the exploration of oil and natural gas from the two production units should McMullen 1 and 2 are used. With the US oil and gas Fund VII KG offers the energy capital invest for the first time unique security package.

So, mineral extraction rights in the two units with an acquisition value of more than three million euros were introduced already indirectly by the initiator at the beginning of the placement in the Fund and therefore mean increased security for investors. The notarial registration of rights with the competent registry is already done. Thus all income from exploration, as well as the right of exploitation from the sale of this mineral extraction rights are to the US oil and gas Fund VII KG. We understand that participation as a thing worth secured investment\”Fund initiator Kay Rieck explains. Because only when investors received their full planned maximum – profit share from 36 percent during the period of approximately 2.5 years, the additional income to the energy company energy capital invest.

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Managing Director

German farmers to invest more in the future significantly – in particular in renewable energy since 2007 two biogas plants by WELtec commissioned Disna, the locations of new village and Wusteney, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, in the agrarian society. In May 2010, the third biogas plant construction had begun; Commissioning was in July. The fourth WELtec plant is already contracted, and the approval procedure. We saw the bio-gas plants operating at that time as an opportunity as well as arable and forage production, pig production as well as milk and fattening beef production, to tap into a lucrative business and thus also jobs”explains Torsten Zahn, the Managing Director of the agrarian society. “This is true even today, and therefore the energy production will be expanded: biogas is our profitabelster area at the moment and we were no good entrepreneurs, if this branch would not grow”, justified the investments dental.

The new biogas plants integrated in a young cattle plant at the site of Disna are almost identical with the existing: 500 kilowatts of power, a cubic foot of 192 large template container and two fermenters each with 2000 cubic meters. A 4500 cubic metres-large gas-tight end, however, is new. “Then as now convinced us the overall concept of the WELtec BioPower: reduction of necessary technology, which is high quality and functional fitted: a functional block of the pumps, a stable and easy-to-use control and two ignition Jet engines”, Torsten Zahn says. During the start-up phase the responsible of the agrarian society felt well supported. With the biologists by WELtec we voted together the rising feeding (maize silage, pig and cow manure) and the heating up of the plant during the start-up phase.” In addition, WELtec convinced stainless steel with the material used: generously sized stainless steel fermenters, solid-fuel dispenser with stainless steel the entire feed entry as well as a template container made of stainless steel clad, to largely automate the feeding. With a continuous expansion of combined heat and power plants should be even more profitable. In new village, the Melkhaus was already connected last winter to the waste heat from the CHP. There, about ten percent of the accumulating heat are used. In Wusteney currently still no heat is dissipated, the sow stall is to be integrated in the near future but. The third plant conduction that is placed and should with heat in the coming winter in the Office and workshop tract.

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Paul Hartmann Group

In addition, Paul Hartmann France decided in the future (BI) Transwide to insert from the business intelligence solution. This solution provides analyses, statistics and charts at set time intervals, which are needed for the optimisation of transport management and the cost-optimized handling of urgent shipments. Fabrice mast confirmed: the TMS Transwide solutions are increasingly used in the Paul Hartmann Gruppe. More than one hundred of our employees work daily now. The SaS mode TMS by Transwide is modular and expandable and accompanies us in all stages of the development and optimization of our transport chain.” Transwide solution as a basis for transport control when Paul Hartmann Transwide is today solid and integral part of the upstream supply chain at Paul Hartmann France and provides for the improved management and planning of 100% of the daily receipts from production plants, suppliers and Dealers. The 2010 selected Transwide solution combines three modules: twCall-off the transport orders via the Internet delivers.

twSlot is designed for the time-window management via Internet portal. And about the twSlot partner site unlisted forwarders and suppliers can arrange appointments for Paul Hartmann sites. The results speak for themselves: the TMS by Transwide optimized not only immediately all administrative tasks, because media breaks are eliminated, but also provides a meaningful overview of the actual flows of goods a day when Paul Hartmann France. So the daily receipts of over 30 trailers and cargo of over 80 trucks can be optimally managed. The Transwide solution works thanks to the bi-directional integration in the information system of the Paul Hartmann Group also in perfect symbiosis with the SAP ERP system of the company. About SAP, approximately 20 to 30 are depending on the volume of delivery required for a given day the day before Transport requests created automatically transmitted the corresponding carriers over the Internet (twCall-off); E-Mail notifications are unnecessary. The carriers then schedule their delivery via the Internet portal using the module twSlot depending on the available or requested times (morning, afternoon, or exact time) or the delivery specifications (particular buildings or certain ramp).

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MCM Investor: Investors In The Cards

A recent study by the DG HYP has revealed that in addition to the growth market of Berlin real estate to other East German locations again increasingly demand. Magdeburg, 27.05.2013 – many East German towns have overcome the descent and are on the rise. The East German Federal States, the capital of Berlin, as well as the cities of Chemnitz, Dresden, Erfurt, Halle, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Rostock and Schwerin were investigated. “The good development of the Berlin real estate market has reached even East German cities,” says Dr. Georg Reutter, CEO of DG HYP. The West German compared low price level and better economic conditions offer opportunities for investment. Nine percent of the East German population including Berlin’s have migrated to West Germany after the reunification.

This trend has slowed in the past years or stabilized, and filmed mainly in the big cities. This is the population in almost all cities examined in the study over the past five years again increased. This positive development in Dresden and Leipzig is especially clear to watch. The economic situation has improved in the East German cities as a whole and thus also the conditions for real estate, especially in the housing market. Given the predominantly positive population development and the limited supply of housing is to go out by rising rents in the East German cities in good locations. 2013, the Prime rents in the average 2.3 percent are likely to rise. Also the persons in charge of MCM investor Management AG (MCM AG) see good prospects for investors in East German cities. The sites are becoming stable real estate markets, popular, young and dynamic student town with a high quality of life.

The management of the Magdeburg-based MCM Sachwert concepts AG & co. KG can refer market experience on over 13 years, whose statements have stock in this respect. The capital market issuance were accompanied by three closed-end real estate funds, already successful was the design and marketing of 67 major real estate involved and participated in the marketing of over 2,000 condos. The various real estate projects all feature a convincing residential output, high rental levels, good to very good rental yields and a great individuality from. The city Palace on place Lessing in Magdeburg is just one of many impressive and promising projects in the company’s portfolio. The dream of homeownership is entitled, and yet many people think not to be able to realize it. Real estate as a direct investment is costly. But the MCM investor management allows a wide target group of investors access to the attractive real estate business: you profit participation rights as assets offers, which the investors can indirectly benefit from the high chances of the real estate market. This participation enables investors to participate in already with manageable monthly savings rates or with one time amounts indirectly on the real estate market. Rights offer for all Involved, if fair, attractive opportunities”, it is out of the House. On the one hand, they offer an alternative to financial investment option for citizens who want a better interest rate than, for example, when a bank deposit. In addition to the current preferential interest, there is even a profit-dependent part is usually used in models of this type.

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