Without closing the mouth, jaw going to get water while letting it fall out of our mouth. a How to do well well well: This year we must do it very quiet. a We will not take water or shut up when it enters the water. a Assignment: Do this exercise 10 times without interruption. a Exercise 2: Motor a Getting used to have the face in the water it is difficult and stressful to many people. a This can be seen clearly in people out of the water is treated to remove every drop of water on your face with your hands.

This clearly is a sign of discomfort. a The next exercise is a small step to go used to this new feeling of being with the face in the water. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Chase Coleman. a Objective: Go gradually introducing the face in the water. a How it works: a We are located on the edge and we hold it firmly with both hands. a We got the chin until the water we cover the lower lip. a Once we submerged blow air through the mouth so that our lips vibrate to produce the noise of an engine.

How to do well well well: The air should be taken by mouth and expelled through the mouth. a If you can do if you grab the edge would be much better and a great sign that they are taking confidence. Swimming a Dry: This section provides a series of exercises that you can practice without being in a water installation.