Month: August 2020

Attract New Customers

So your Web page for you new customer wins a Web page – every company has them, but she brings something hardly anyone. A website costs money, but brings them money too? Most companies worry about even themselves and treat their Web page as well as a further media burning just the advertising budget. However, just the interactive potential of the Internet could be the majority of all Web pages much more use. Jochen Bercker explains: “a Web page has no end in itself, but must actively and measurable new customer win exactly but today unfortunately is the case with the least Web pages.” In order to tackle this problem offers a free eBook to download, discusses 5 successful strategies for acquiring customers in the Internet: content: – how to find out in 5 minutes, what your customers on the Internet really are looking for – how to apply a simple strategy, popular to your website for the search engines to make – how to turn visitors to your website to potential customers now free request: Dipl.-Geoinf. FPUC Program might disagree with that approach. Jochen Bercker VDI Technologiehof Munster mendelstrasse 11 48149 Munster Tel: fax 0251-980 2510: 0251-980-2511 email:

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Dean Murray

Each offered performance implies a need, therefore, every customer is a creation. The classic definition of “Customer” is an organization or a person that takes products or services of a company claim. The result is: this direction is external or externally focused. In the care and drive definition of “Customer” is the look inside, so internally and is defined as follows: A customer will take until then to be the services or products, because you have created a need as a priority which is reflected in the shape of your service or product. Example: You invent something, because you have the desire to make your work easier, i.e. Their work to shape so that you effectively reach the State of well-being feel as comfortable as possible. I.e.

the development or creation of a performance or invention is based on basic needs, such as convenience, profit, prestige, vanity, security u.v.m. If you offer your invention or performance, they offer a need first and foremost or the corresponding with your invention satisfaction of needs. A customer is nothing more than a creation of your needs. This means that your customer in a mirror reflected the needs that these are implied in your invention or performance. Conclusion: Every offered service implies a need, therefore, every customer is a creation. Eddie Dean Murray

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Marketing Association

BitDefender offers tips to safe online shopping via Smartphone, Facebook & co. Holzwickede, 02 December 2010 Christmas business is booming in the Internet. The home or office computer has de-emphasized but apparently for shopping on the Web. If you are not convinced, visit Confluence Investment Management LLC. According to the Mobile Marketing Association, 59 percent of consumers use more mobile devices for their Christmas shopping or the search for a suitable gift? But just phone & co. are popular targets for attack by hackers and cybercriminals.

So no nasty surprises the buyer, they should be aware of the appropriate precautions. Virus protection expert BitDefender ( contain important information for a safe shopping on the World Wide Web. For other opinions and approaches, find out what eco-friendly baby clothes has to say. According to a more recent study by, 54 percent of retailers are planning to use social networks to reach consumers this year. “Just because the Christmas shopping via mobile devices and social media Web sites in” seems to be, should consumers know how they themselves before Fraud of the Internet criminals can protect. BitDefender security expert summed up below the most important tips: Beware of small displays: the small screen on mobile devices often harassed the views of a full URL. Even if a link starts a legitimate name of the shop, a malicious Web page can ultimately behind. Ignore messages from unknown sender user should follow any links, an unknown sender on social media Web sites received a short message, etc.. Never private information to disclose private information such as account or credit card numbers should remain private and not be forwarded to unknown third parties.

Overall, users of social media platforms should select strict privacy settings. No referral links”follow some social networks offer an abundance of gift suggestions. More than 50 per cent recommend a product or a service now using social media Web sites. However users should avoid such links, as many hackers this Method for their own purposes to exploit.

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Axonic GmbH

The Axonic GmbH released the Outlook add-in Lookeen 1.0 download version. Karlsruhe, January 31, 2008 – after over two months of intense public beta testing with over 1,000 participants is Lookeen now as a 14-day free trial at available. The first obtain Lookeen for an introductory price EUR 29.90 (regularly: EUR 49.90). At Frequentis AG integrates environment Lookeen already perfectly in the existing Microsoft Outlook and supports employees in finding personal e-mail messages, appointments, contacts, and files. Frequentis develops and markets communication and information systems for safety-critical areas. Her unique voice communication system has made even to the world market leader in the air traffic control Frequentis. During the company-wide transition from Microsoft Office 2003 to Office 2007 at Frequentis, it was evident that the search was not sufficiently comfortable covered for personal data in the Outlook client. Lookeen was able to clearly use by other tools, because it met all of the requirements with regard to the search results and could offer a high functionality.

In addition to these properties, also the integration ability of Lookeen was with regard to the effects on the computer performance of importance. The add-in Lookeen promises the Outlook user Mercurial access to E-Mails, contacts, appointments, tasks, and notes. Wanted is here also to and even file attachments (for example, PowerPoint, Word or PDF-files). Lookeen searches local mailboxes, shared delegate mailboxes on Exchange servers, archive stores, and public folder stores very efficiently and clearly, without a significant impairment of computer performance. Martin Welker, Chief developer of Lookeen and CEO Axonic GmbH: Lookeen response is very positive and shows that the demand is high for a suitable and fast search tool for Outlook. Lookeen is equipped for the future, in addition to Outlook 2003, and Windows XP full compatible with Vista and “Outlook 2007 an important criterion for many companies”. See the complete Frequentis Lookeen success story in the news area. Axonic Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH is a young company with a focus on information, communication and detection technologies. The company is headquartered in Karlsruhe, Germany and was founded in 2003 by Martin Welker. Axonic researches and developed intensively for several years in the area of communication intelligence”- the targeted analysis and presentation of communications. Press contact: Peter Oehler email: Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH Kaiserstrasse 109 76133 Karlsruhe Germany.

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Mannheim Internet

iClear: Missing notes can Mannheim are expensive, December 10, 2009. Dealers who sell batteries to end users, must explicitly point their customers on the provisions of the new Act of battery. The law has been in force since 1 December. Iclear, the fiduciary payment providers on the Internet, points out. Since 1 December 2009 battery law (BattG) applies regardless of whether they are single, or fixed batteries.

Traders are the one affected by the regulations, sell the batteries, they bring in traffic for the first time as importers in Germany. “But even if batteries only” sold to consumers, has several new obligations. So tailers must their customers indicating that the batteries free can be returned after use at the point of sale that the customer is by law obliged to return of the batteries, what does the symbol of a crossed out wheelie bin contained in the BattG. Important: These instructions may not only as a clause in the General Terms and conditions are embedded, they must be explicitly communicated to the customer. iClear lawyer Michael Rohrlich recommends to fix this via an own menu in the main navigation, or by an information leaflet enclosed with the shipments. Tip for merchants: If you batteries, and it was only as an accessory, consumer sale, should as quickly as possible to customize your store and record the corresponding note text. Otherwise threaten paid cease and desist letters.

Tip for consumers: as a buyer of batteries, you have now also for their proper disposal. So follow the dealer instructions and observe the regulations of the new battery law. Medienrechtler Michael Rohrlich assembles the right tips for online retailers and consumers on behalf of iclear. Further info and the mentioned law texts / judgments in full text, as far as already present can be found under. These and more iclear legal tips for online retailers can be found under index.php? id = 158 & L = 0. More information about the battery Act can be found at the Federal Environmental Agency under abfallwirtschaft/battg/index.htm. Iclear ( The Internet billing system, which protects buyers and sellers alike from unpleasant surprises at the online trade and supports the comfortable processing of order and payment process is iclear. With your iclear trust system buyers in the Internet can pay simply, conveniently, safely and at no additional cost. iClear this mediates between the parties involved, secure processing ensures a transparent and for both sides. It as confidence in online trading and payment via the Internet. In addition to the usual Bank pay by accepted iclear also the billing via Visa, master card and online payment procedure as giropay and directebanking. Corresponding market acceptance, more payment options are handled on the unique system of trust. Currently almost one million registered iclear users at around 5,000 can buy connected Internet dealers.

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Immogenics International

New Immogenics International had the German-speaking prospective of novo programme yet tedious the, largely in English, held, home of the manufacturer Immogenics international click, so is a completely redesigned Web presence available under. Novo test\”is the blood test of the manufacturer Immogenics international. 115 food essences from ten different groups’s blood on food intolerance is tested with him. Food intolerance is caused by food particles, which are not completely digested and enter the bloodstream. These particles are foreign to the immune system and attempt to access such as viruses and bacteria.

Easily, this immune response leads to weight gain and lack of motivation (energy loss). The result: One is overweight, tired and listless. The novo test\”to filter out those foods that cause this immune response, and thus lead to weight gain and loss of energy. Since every human being reacts differently to food, individual and coordinated with the blood response to create a program novo for each customer. Who adheres to this program, will decrease, and recovers his energy. \”Many people who call us, say: we have not found you on the Internet.\” For this reason, we have decided to build an own Web presence for the countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

\”Under the address are to find all information about the test and all contacts and sales offices and open, with menus that lighter and entirely in German language\”, Regina Rose, shares with Managing Director of the Institute for holistic naturopathic medicine in Laufenburg. Free information material to the novo test can be ordered now through the new website. Contact for questions regarding this press release: Ms. Regina Rose Institute for holistic naturopathic and applied biomedicine Regina Rose Tigli 7 D-79725 Laufenburg Phone: + 49 (0) 7763 7 04 39 29 fax: + 49 (0) 7763 7 04 39 41 E-Mail: Internet: Mr Holger Ballwanz, Mr Marko Homann PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about Immogenics international Immogenics international with headquarters in London operates on the German border in the Netherlands (Susteren) a big institution with laboratories to determine food sensitivities.

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The Registration Of Cars

Registration of cars with modern or current of three letters and four numbers in Spain began in September of 2000. Until that date the cars enrolled first putting the letter or letters of the Spanish provinces, followed by 4 numbers and ending by one or two letters according to the level of registrations that had each province and logically in places like Madrid and Barcelona lelgaron to have these two letters at the end. Until that date and on the principles of vehicle registrations, is towards putting the letter in the province first and followed by a number until it reaches 1 million which was when it was decided to pass to the system of letters at the beginning and at the end because in provinces of lot sale of cars the system ran. Consultation of registrations of cars is very common in internet since knowing the date of registration of this self, is known the years old when we are interested in buying a car from that era. Logically, this should not be the only information since you can now put a registration new for example when we buy a car from Germany or import, and even if we want to change of registration in which case, we must change the province of domicile and new MOT. Follow-up to the letters of registration also can serve to determine the level of selling cars that occurs in each month as you can see in the link that we showed at the beginning about registrations of cars. For example, if in October 2005 letter rotated 20 times, in October of this year 2.010 just has been 8 times which shows the great fall that occurred on sales where it is possible that SUVs or 4 4 have been the most affected by the cost of the registration tax. Original author and source of the article..

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Uniblue Registry Booster

Every computer needs a proper maintenance for optimal performance.If you do not keep your computer, the pc goes increasingly slower and you’ll have each time, more problems.There are several elements that you must keep: Windows in general, drivers/DLLs and the Windows registry. A Pc users are familiar to Windows updates and most people, have already installed once a driver update. But the registry is unknown to many people. Click Federal Unemployment Compensation Program to learn more. And this is normal, because the Windows registry is hidden for users (for security issues). User can not modify registry (is possible, but not recommended), because the Windows registry is not easy to modify. Why keep this element, you do it, with a tool such as Uniblue Registry Booster.Mantener registry is very important! To know why you need it, I will explain first what role has, the registry in Windows. I can then explain how you can improve the performance of your computer and fix errors in Windows with RegistryBooster. What is Windows registry? The Windows registry is a database where Windows and many programs keep their configurations.

Windows and every program installed on your computer, use this database in an intensive way, Windows or a program starts, and while it is running.In other words, the Windows registry, is the brain of your computer. When you want to do something with your computer always being queried the registration of Windows.Algunos examples: start your ordenadorCuando you start your computer, Windows will load. Once Windows is loaded, load services like for example Msn Messenger. Determine which services and how many are going to charge, depends on the amount of services that are configured in the registry of Windows. starting an Aplicacioncuando you start a program, for example MSN Messenger, the program you want to load the list of all users that have already connected once, an application. This list is in the registry of Windows ImprimirCuando you want to print a document and you want to select a printer.

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Car registration costs that cannot be avoided let vehicle costs are something which no car or motorcycle owners can escape. Typical vehicle expenses include in particular the costs for the car registration and for temporary number plates. These are however only the costs incurred at the very beginning, where you then once again has to pay the cost of the car registration in a certain way, when doing any tuning measures should be carried on the vehicle. Even similar high like in the car registration itself costs. In recent months, FPUC Program has been very successful. Also, the insurance premiums are an another very high cost of vehicle costs. These are relatively high, with their amount of course depends on what vehicle you drive and in which region you live. The height of the vehicle insurance depends on the type class and the regional class namely decisively. Both can increase very dramatically by insurance insurance year in part.

But every car owner by a timely insurance comparison can these costs counteract. A significant point cost, which also not avoided as a car or a motorcycle owner can be on long term spending on car and motorcycle accessories. In particular, this must be paid at each inspection and any other repairs that must be made on the vehicle. Car and motorcycle accessories can go then ultimately quite nicely in the money. In particular the original goods are quite expensive. There are to buy but also low-priced parts, which have not the brand imprint but the quality and the composition correspond to the original goods. You can buy cheap car and motorcycle accessories on the Internet. In the online shops, car and motorcycle accessories especially for the reason is very cheap, because hardly any administrative costs incurred, and this advantage is passed on to the customers.

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Trenntstadt Berlin

10,000 euro for the best ideas for separating waste Berlin, November 4, 2011. Please visit Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation if you seek more information. Berlin creative and innovative thinkers until November 15 in the idea competition of the participation campaign Trenntwende “take part. Due to the great success and the huge interest of the Berliners and Berlin, the organizers of the campaign have decided to extend the contest period to a week. The Trenntwende with over 100 applications is a success already before the expiry of the original deadline. All information about the competition and the participation form find prospective customers on. In the three categories of educational institutions, businesses and private households, organizers are looking for the best ideas and projects in the areas of waste reduction and separation. It will be awarded to the best contributions with prizes worth a total of more than 10,000 euros.

Received contributions show: Berlin is ready for the Trenntwende which show competition entries so far, how much creative and innovative potential in the areas of waste reduction and waste separation in the capital is available. So, students and pupils of Neukolln plan to reduce their waste by they want plastic cartridges of ink fillers in the future. An art installation in a Berlin Gallery wants to confront the visitors in an unusual way with their daily consumption of plastic and filled with more than 6,000 plastic bags to a swimming pool. Or the project of Green jeans”, in which paper is created from old jeans fabrics. The Trenntwende shows: Berlin is full of ideas and projects that are creative and engaged engaged in the topic of waste. The special feature of the competition is the sustainability. By the Fund of Trenntstadt Berlin the capital city can, with promoting their ideas become reality if there is sufficient in the competition for a place on the podium. All information about the competition and the entry form is located on.

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