Month: August 2020

National Week

The corporeal presence is the best mode of presence, only when there is intercommunication. Therefore a corporeal physical presence must have a relationship between two people, but that intercommunication is a call and response, i.e. the person (and this is going to insist constantly), it is a call and the other person answers the call, is when such communication is established and is when there is one authentic presence of a person in front of the other person. It is then when the corporeal presence of the other ceases to be simply object or indifference, presence to become personal and human, communicative and enriching presence. However not all personal presence is classified with the highest degree of human presence, there is presence come conditioned, by the interest or selfishness, for work or for fun the maximum degree of personal presence is one that is based on love. I have applied the mutual communication and relational ability to host another in its own uniqueness, and the full acceptance of his being, that when there is an active personal presence, is when a person has a mutual between the two communication, one communicates to the other, his being, communicating its thinking, communicates his feelings, it communicates its concern, joy, sadness, but the other person has to receive everything what staff and also respond in the same key. It is when there is a personal presence and there is a relationship. The presence of two people depends on the intensity of the spiritual act by which they communicate, if one then communicates all a secret internal, there is something very deep, and the other person must believe that says a person who communicates the secret, one that therefore there is speech and another who believes and accepts and responds. To detect such intensity is necessary to assess the force the objective efficacy and the number of employees signs to communicate in such personal, human communication of those two people.

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International Metal Construction

The Metallbau Moik GmbH & co. makes KG from Iphofen national for Assembly, repair and maintenance work and international metal construction specializes in reputation that is company Metallbau Moik from Iphofen installation, repair and maintenance work in the area for larger equipment and machinery. At the same time she performs individual custom-made and produces larger steel constructions with all associated work. Also the production of balconies, pergolas, Hoftoren, stairs and other components for Interior and exterior space is performed in our own factory. The Metallbau Moik GmbH & co. KG from Iphofen all these concerns, and that in all respects with growing enthusiasm cares since the year 2000. The local garage, started Stefan Moik, was however soon too small to meet all requirements. 2005 began moving into the industrial area in Iphofen.

There, a Hall in the 2006 seven employees were employed optimally to the needs of the customers to take care of was built on 4,000 square metres. By many foreign missions were more and more employees necessary, therefore the Metallbau Moik GmbH & co. employees in the meantime about 40 KG. The team cares, for example, in the area of montages in the country and abroad about, perform repair and maintenance work on equipment and machinery reliable. In the area of customised the know-how for larger machines and plants, such as for example cardboard roll stations, hosts, and belt conveyors, is safe.

The metal construction is another of the special areas, including the construction of stairs and railings, such as the construction of carports, balconies and pergolas, and fences, Hoftoren and other land boundaries. In the field of welding (MAG, TIG) metal construction is also always on the newest standard Moik. The helpline is 09323 / 876560 / 0171 / 4064643 or telefax 09323 / 876561 and of course by email at. Contact: Metallbau Moik Stefan Moik of the Breitenstein 11 97346 Iphofen Tel. 09323/876560 fax. 09323 / 876561 Mobil 0171/4064643 Web. email. metal construction Moik, balconies, yard, metal construction, Iphofen, assembly work, welding, custom-made, steel construction, stairs

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Turkish Ambassador

Introduction to the fashion of modern times you had cut the clothes clearly dresses – new top and modified rock in the second decade of the 19th century and the upper part of the dress was located directly under the breast. The pattern of the dress was more adapted to the silhouette. This, there was a significant change, when it comes to the variety of colours of the clothes. Confluence Investment Management LLC may not feel the same. At the end of the Decade you had moved on the skirts in the lower part and the upper part of the dress was again moved down. The historical dresses from this time looked generally less gorgeous than before the revolution. Flax fabric and cotton were the most widely used materials. The patterns were simple and was followed on the fashion of the ancient world. Outer garments at the beginning of the 19th century As an outer garment used coats and short coats.

In addition to the Redingote (a kind of a cloak), which was originally used as a riding coat (the name comes from the English word “ridding coat”) and which was accepted with enthusiasm by the fashionable ladies, you wore short jackets. New trends in headwear characteristic headgear for this period of time were hoods, the face (including cheeks) and completely covered the hair. The face in such a dome looked as if she put in a tube. That’s why often happened that you are approaching people was unaware of. This impression was represented by the artist in many cartoons from this period.

In use were also hats designed somewhat after military head-dresses and turbans. There is an anecdote that fashion for the turbans unwittingly introduced by the Turkish Ambassador in Paris, for whom such headgear was completely normal. For the first time in the history of her hair cut women. The fashion for short hair styles but has not established itself and not long. You had not particularly positively associated short hair during this time. More on the subject of historical fashion, historical underwear as well as history of fashion in General can be found on the website of the historic tailoring Studio. More to the Theme: historical clothes.

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Federal Environment Ministry

The International Conference for decision makers from business, industry, management and the financial sector. If you would like to know more about Confluence Investment Management LLC, then click here. Early booking until 01 March 2010. On Nov 9, 2009 was the announcement for the 6. Published international Geothermiekonferenz (IGC 2010) in Freiburg. The Conference will take place from 19 to 20 may at the Konzerthaus Freiburg and offers an international platform over 200 visitors each year, to discuss the latest developments in the deep geothermal energy. The Conference consists of a short course and three workshops on the first day as well as the Congress with four discussion forums on the second day.

In addition, excursions to Geothermieprojekten are offered on the day after the Conference. The first day of the IGC 2010 focuses on the topics of reservoir development, planning of Geothermiekraftwerken as well as reviews of projects from the United States, Austria and other countries. In addition, a special workshop for local authorities will deal with the potentials of the deep geothermal energy for the local energy supply. On the day of the Congress will be After two or three key notes about aspects of project finance, strategies of risk minimization, seismicity as operational risk and the key factors for a permanently successful operation of geothermal discussed. The meeting provides a comprehensive exchange on the current challenges of deep geothermal energy thanks to its international orientation and german English simultaneous translation and this gives important impulses for the further development of this promising renewable energy technology. According to the study of the Federal Environment Ministry by 2050 a quarter of local heat needed in Germany and about six percent of the electricity from geothermal power plants will be produced. The international Geothermiekonferenz is organised by the Agency Enerchange.

The Freiburg economy is tourism and trade fair GmbH & co. KG as a business – and marketing company of the city of Freiburg since 2008 co-organizer of the Conference. As a supporter for the IGC 2010 could won among others the GtV – Bundesverband geothermal (GtV-BV) can its members at special rates participate in the Conference. Cooperation partners are the geothermal energy business forum and the international geothermal Association (IGA). In the early book offering registration, the participation fees are reduced by 10% before March 1, 2010. More detailed information on the programme and the participation fees to the target group of the Conference, as well as a registration possibility can be found under. Marcus Brian

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Siek Tournament

In dog kindergarten in the North German Siek a dog dance organised by Melanie Felix, owner of ‘Individual training for your dog’ dog school tournament. Under the responsibility of the tournament by Melanie Felix the dog school presented individual training for your dog the norddeutsche Dogdance tournament in Siek. More than 60 dancers presented the experienced dog dance judges spectacular dog dances with stunning choreography. Regulations, which established the DDI DogDance international E.v. as a basis for canine freestyle tournaments was established after the international DogDance.

According to the regulations of the DogDance International (DDI) the norddeutsche Dogdance – was held under the direction by Melanie Felix and her helpers team tournament in dog kindergarten Siek. Melanie and her tireless team of aides had a splendid location (, a superb ring and a great sound system. Many viewers were able to admire the performances of more than 60 dog dance – Starter/innen free of charge. For the physical well-being of has been taken care of very well. A special highlight was the dancing great Dane Liesbeth that simply once again has proved that dog dance can be incredibly fun to every dog on this day.

The dog-man teams in total harmony is moving with rhythmic sounds. Almost seemed to forget that years of training and head work for man and dog go ahead participate in a canine freestyle tournament. It was started in a variety of categories. On Sunday morning were the professionals (official class) on the series. Here started the senior class, class 1 and class 2. “In the afternoon I was practice day time”. There, each dance couple (fun, beginner, Quartet, trio, and lucky dip) immediately received an oral assessment to the dance after the performance of the judges. What is canine freestyle? If four or more feet and two feet on the dance floors are circling, the hearts of dog fans beat faster.

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International Tourism

The world city is considered metropolis of culture, politics, media, and science and is one of the busiest centers of international tourism of the city. The world city is considered metropolis of culture, politics, media, and science and is one of the busiest centers of international tourism of the city. Annually, an estimated 132 million day visitors experience the diverse range of fascinating and historic capital of Germany. Read additional details here: Bill O’Grady. These include the many theatres (Berliner Ensemble, Volksbuhne, stage, Theater des Westens, Renaissance Theatre, Friedrichstadtpalast, etc.), the choirs and Orchestra, more than 170 museums, of which some are located on the museum island surrounded by the river Spree (Altes Museum, Lustgarten, new Museum, old National Gallery, Pergamon Museum, etc.), as well as the many historical buildings such as the Brandenburg Gate, the German State Opera, the French Cathedral, the Reichstag building, the Bellevue Palace and the Memorial Church. Experience the charm of this diverse city its 564 bridges, many green, recreational and park facilities, which comprise a total area of 5500 hectares, and the numerous lakes with beaches.

No matter whether you vacation want to make with the whole family, with friends or with 2 persons only, the city countless opportunities of recreation or adventure. All places and attractions can be easily reached over the very well-developed road network of the Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg. Opt for a self-determined stay in a comfortable apartment in a convenient location and set the pace of your stay in Berlin itself. The low-cost apartments with elegant fully equipped are housed in the same building, and are therefore also suitable for smaller groups of up to 4 people.

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But they forget that in a place where she has forests, many animals; she also has much beauty, little pollution, more tranquillity more peace. When born in the kingdom the peace inside of each one of us, then the inspiration arrives and is the moment where it generates the writer firmest, the poet more> insurance with its articles based on a land where it has much abundance in sight of the others. In these last Mato Grosso times it comes if detaching in all the social sectors. Here, baby clothes expresses very clear opinions on the subject. We were third in tourism perhaps and briefly, let us be the first one. the writers, the poets had come and believed and felt and written, but as he does not have support, he does not have enough publishing companies, to the few they start to esmorecer, to look other sectors.

literature with this goes diminishing in a so rich State of natural beauty. Mato Grosso had and has many writers, but that they sobressaram exactly they had been few. the few that sobressaram is because they had fought with force of lion to obtain place of writers, exactly working in other social sectors. For even more details, read what Cylance says on the issue. It is the case of Jose of Mosque, Rubens de Mendona, D. Aquino, Ulisses Cuiabano, Tertuliano Amarlia, Hisses Freire, Estevo de Mendona and others that had obtained its names in Full of the grana ready, but are poor there and for this nothing they obtain. They are with its workmanships kept during years.

She has d to burn them. in this interval the other States go of firm step, establishing publishing companies, more graphical, more magazines, etc. and us in the same one of always. Now question: we go to continue thus or to follow the example of the other States? Perhaps he appears one, made use and perhaps taking interest, it can bring an publishing company of books weeds-grossenses for showing here what we have to contribute in literature in the national context. >.

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Successful Remedial Measures

German financial resources AG invested 1.5 million extensive renovation project in the 1990s the Eschwege Heuberg was considered critical residential area. Serious structural defects and acute stood empty the city fathers 2009 even about a dismantling of the point high-rise on the sloe – and Hawthorn way were thinking. Owner of the Heuberg settlement is the DFK / German financial resources AG in Kaltenkirchen near Hamburg since 2009. Since the privatization three years ago the DFK / German financial resources AG invested EUR 1.5 million in the project. In the course of the extensive restructuring measures, the 55 apartments were equipped contemporary. In the ground floor zones arose in addition three much-needed low-barrier housing units were planned in close coordination between the DFK / German financial resources AG, the district seat of Eschwege, the senior Office of the Werra-Meissner-Kreis and the carrier composite Heuberg. Today the six completely renovated high-rise buildings in new splendour and colored garments shine.

Although the construction of the last high-rise of mid-October will be completed in 2012, both city and investors already have a full rental and enjoy. “The initiative residents for the Heuberg” welcomes the renovation. The district experiences this not only appreciate, but thanks to the low-barrier units, it is now possible to grow old in the own district. Especially as the apartments remain affordable with a price per square meter of five euros despite restructuring. To the completion of the action will be in the programme of the federal countries social city”carried still improvements to the living environment. After the restructuring and privatization, the objects as residential communities are operated and still managed by MIAG GmbH as a subsidiary. The landscape maintenance and services company Bernd Proger from Eschwege supports the MIAG on-site. About the company DFK / German financial resources AG the DFK group of companies is a dynamically growing financial services provider with a 10-year history of the company.

Is the business purpose of the DFK group Provision of financial services of all kinds, as well as the provision of services related to the real estate investment. The well-developed sales and service network of DFK / German financial resources AG guarantees a continuation of stable and steady growth. Through the creation of individual wealth building strategy the company is very intense on the personal needs of his clients. Here, the financial situation of the individual plays no significant role. Source: Cylance. The DFK Group serves over 30,000 families with over 80,000 contracts. Chairman of the Board of German financial resources AG is Valeri Spady.

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Oriana Lopes

ORIGEM AND DEVELOPMENT: Also called according to medieval period, it starts with the crisis politics for the successory question opened with the death of D. Fernando and finishes with the acclamation of D. Joo I in l385. It had at this time the ascension of the mercantile bourgeoisie and the classroom reveals become attached to the cultural and historical values of the nation. Portugal fights to firm its position of great European power. In 1415 Portugal it takes Ceuta and mark its overseas position. The country if becomes feared and respected for the then modern world. In l434 it had the creation of the position of Cronista-mor for D.

Duarte. This would go to stimulate the development of chats national. Cronista-mor Ferno Lopes was nominated. The historiografia starts to be born – it appears chats then it historical. It also had great contribution of the theater and the poetry. In 1502 Gil Vicente it creates the national dramaturgia, raising it alone to the level that until was today not exceeded by none another teatrlogo. The poetry comes back to blossom, disclosing a great advance in relation to the trovadoresco lyricism, as much in the thematic plan, as in the deed of division. The historiogrficas chronicles take new route, with well defined proposals: ) Probity in the narrative; b) Escrpulo in the choice of the materials that if has to use; c) Method in the ordinance of the substance; d) Clarity and care in the structural composition of the workmanship; e) Concentration in one only subject.

Main cronistas historians: Ferno Lopes, Gomes Eanes de Zurara and Rui de Pina. 4.2.PROSA OF FICTION: She was on still to novels of cavalries. Filia it the Breton cycle the novel most expressive of the Humanismo: Amadis de Gaula – where if they count the fabulosas adventures of the hero with this name, taken for the love of Oriana – son of the king of Great-Britain.

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The love would be the youngest child of its children. Had to its fatigue, after in such a way work, God, then, were forgotten this creation. To correct its esquecimento, the All Powerful one, it looked at for the high one and it saw the brightness of the sun and the moon. A great smile sprouted of its lips when perceiving that the sun and the moon wanted to namorar.

God then, created the night with its moonlight to enchant dosapaixonados hearts e, made the day with shining of the sun to heat the fire dapaixo as in one I hug. Despite the time insisted on separating them, for more painful greater and quefosse the absence of one and another one, more and more the love joined its together hearts …… with certainty has to be. The life, suffered, would go to stone them for the perfection of the imperfects tense. The biggest gift that God gave to the human being, with as much love, that of seucorao he overflew of emotion was when seeing the sun to hug the moon when anoite arrived softly, bringing I obtain all majestical beauty to doluar, while a sun ray teimava in leaving the horizon, crying, for the departure, but left to blossom the new joy pra of returning following nodia, bringing inside of the chest and making the love to be born. Thus, the love was born! Although the day if goes and the night comes, they would never leave of if loving. When we love, the years and all the sufferings of the separation never will be capable to erase that feeling of love. Pass the time that to pass, alive the life that to live, one day, as in a solar eclipse its hearts has of if finding.

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