Month: February 2021

Audits Problem

A SOS, that is the message that sends AsiInspection, the company dedicated to the Quality control and the Services of Inspection, Audit and Test of Laboratory, ( before the avalanche in the last days of products for children coming from the Asian continent and that is dangerous for their health. Tenneco understood the implications. " The most recent case finishes taking place in EE.UU and Canada, and it could have arrived at Spain. One is more than 13 million glasses concerned by the fast company/signature of food McDonalds with the figures of the personages of the film of Sherk and that has retired of the market because the painting used in its drawings contained cadmium, a material txico" , Alex Makow, its Director for Spain and Portugal explains. " The fundamental problem in these cases is that the retirement of the market is a delayed solution. The product never must have arrived at the final consumer.

One is to propagate the virus of the quality between the importers who bring these products. These would have to contract to Test of Laboratory and Audits rigorous that they avoid that the use of dangerous substances and that they end up causing to a health problem pblica". A.B.C of the quality And it is that they lack eyes at the time of avoiding that many of the articles that finish into the hands of smallest are not detrimental for them. " The problem is that when we are consuming not always we give account or we noticed ourselves of a series of exigencies that must fulfill this productos" , it adds Makow. " Now for example our beaches and swimming pools will fill of dangerous aquatic toys like floaters, long cushions, toys, balls of beach, buckets, shovels, diving articles and pumps of inflado". In fact the past aoel National Institute of Consumption (INC.) in an analysis of 22 articles of beach and swimming pool, concluded that only 11 was totally correct and fulfilled the minimums established yse communicated to the manufacturers or importers the cases that could present/display risk for their retired rectification or of the product of mercado." For example, it found a floating-duck without mark whose traction of the cork did not surpass the tension tests and that could have put in danger the life of the boy who pusiera".

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Gifts Industralists

Another ball-point pen cheap! and good, one more a remerita for the battery! It was that his intention when it selected to the product of promotion or gift industralist? Surely, NO! Next 6 basic advice to have present at the time of choosing promotional merchandise or gifts industralists: 1. What message wants to transmit? Yes, it is obvious but very important. In many opportunities, it would seem that we forgot this simple point. It even asegrese of which it is not associating his mark to a product of low quality! That message would transmit that? 2. Who will receive the product. It knows or his public or objective market: that they like and that displeases to them. 3. In which it will give it to situation. Media Group understands that this is vital information.

It considers the situation, is not the same formal meeting in which a contract is signed that a exhibition! 4. It has produced the item previously. If this it is the case, I assume its clients were fascinated and they requested more to him. 5. It changes product. He is so boring to receive the same constantly! 6.

It remembers, in a promotional product or a gift industralist: he is original! It surprises his hearing. Finally, in many cases, it is not so important the amount but the quality. You are buying these items to promote his business. They must remember it for that reason! It surprised if them, they will do surely it! If it is of good quality, surely also! Original author and source of the article.

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