Month: February 2021


Software made in Germany: doubleSlash on CeBIT awarded BITMi President Dr. Oliver Grun handed over the seal in Hanover at doubleSlash managing director Jan Schubert. The software company was awarded secureTransfer by Lake Constance for the campaign planning tool marketing Planner and the Datentansfertool. Both modules are characterised according to green due to ease of use, flexibility, a thoughtful design and cost-efficiency. In addition, the solution is flanked by a competent customer service and has already successfully proven in practice.

“The German IT-Mittelstand Association gives the seal of quality software made in Germany’, to emphasize the quality of German software products”, it is said in the eulogy of the BITMi President. Marketing Planner and secureTransfer, combine all attributes that needed a successful software internationally. ” The marketing Planner is a management tool for more efficient marketing and sales the marketing and sales activities to plan, control and monitors leave. SecureTransfer is a Web-based software solution, for the structured and fast exchange of large amounts of data over the Internet. The award-winning solutions of marketing cockpit are designed for the requirements of medium-sized and large enterprises.

Green stressed the superior quality, practicality and high investment security, as well as the service of German software products. “The seal of quality software made in Germany” is a valuable marketing tool for the certified companies, which indicates the quality of the software product the customers and the general public according to BITMi also. “We are very pleased to note this distinction,”, explains Jan Schubert, “it shows us yet, we are well positioned with our high-quality solutions in Germany. We want to further expand our solutions also in 2012 and to do this, open up new markets.” About the German IT-Mittelstand Association The German IT-Mittelstand Association (BITMi,) is the only IT trade association, which profiled interests of only medium-sized. In the BITMi associated associations are direct members as well as the BITMi. The Association that represents the interests of more than 600 medium-sized IT companies in Germany with a turnover of more than EUR 1 billion. About the company doubleSlash the doubleSlash NET Business GmbH is specialized in project business and product development in the field of enterprise software for marketing management and mobile services. The company offers professional and technological consulting, design, development, operation and support. doubleSlash was founded in 1999 and has today over 100 employees with an annual turnover of EUR 8.5 million.

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Global Warming

The threat of global warming affects the snowfall in a report on the last winter (2006-2007) season has been everything, and among other things has left climate change. Tour operators consider that a sudden rise in temperatures up to levels that make melt snow and that it does not appear, is something that is not at all proven, nor will be in these years. Many stations of high altitude in the Alps, have received more snow than last season, and in fact, March and April has been exceptionally productive in snow and low temperatures. Some scientists predict more precipitation in the coming decades, that even if that means more rain at low altitude, in the high mountain is the result of more snow. Although this is also speculation. If in recent seasons, has been the renovation of lifts investment star ski resorts, artificial, and in short, snow is now it being proper preparation to keep snow on possible conditions different to the vivid tracks until now..

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“The similarities between whole blood of the father” cheers the relationship at the first viewing of the newborn, and the outsiders trying in vain, to discover traces of similarity, apart from possible parallels of the hairstyle, if this should be thin in both the still crumpled face change, with the proud papa. “Yet, already in the early childhood mostly clear similarities occur with the parents or grandparents as without the young but like an egg the other” is similar to its predecessors. Others including Oak Hill European Credit Partners, offer their opinions as well. Dark-haired parents can have quite blonde descendants. On the other hand can even moles or other abnormalities on the same site occur in some children in the mother (mole) and appear as an identical copy. The inheritance is cause for the similarity between blood relatives. Specific properties and characteristics, not only the entire type or breed, but also of the individual, be legitimate on-posterity transfer. Carriers of hereditary are the chromosomes.

They are part of all body cells (except the nucleus-free red blood cells). The single body cell inherited their genetic stock the daughter cells during cell division by divide the chromosomes before and identical images of form, of which always set in the each daughter cell enters. Hereditary offspring be transferred only by the sex cells. All information about gender, the later appearance of and main characteristics of the new individual is already stored in each egg and each male sperm. Also investments to be underweight or overweight, for example are inherited. Therefore to get set it already in the cradle”, whether it later easily will be one in his life to lose weight, or whether you even by taking diet pills from new Pillenpharm very difficult obesity can decrease.

The large variability of appearance arises from the fact that many ultimately, the overall picture of a human cause different genes, determining points for the respective hereditary. As a mosaic of many individual components to an overall impression merges, so an inherited property, such as eye color, appearance or even the face shape, formed by many genetic information. There is no single gene that alone determines the size or the physique of a man so. The variety of contributory genes makes explained the wide variety of forms, for example, when the descendants of a family. In addition continues, that the ancestral properties of a child are determined by both the maternal and the paternal inheritance. Each chromosome is twice in the cells of the human organism exist as a pair of chromosomes. This double set of chromosomes is halved in the development and maturation of sperm and egg.

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Proper Pension Insurance

Free expert advice on the subject of insurance and funds whether life, pensions, Riester or Rurup know insurance, most consumers the cost of your pension products do not. This, in addition to profitability, in particular the product cost significantly affect the amount of pension to be expected in the age or capital payments. The Wirtschftsmagazin capital came in his studies of the costs of financial products in the year 2008 the following surprising result “The usual costs for banks, insurance companies, asset managers and other service providers, amounting to about 3% lead, that at an average return of 8% for a term of thirty years by around 50% lower gives results.” In other words, most consumers give half of the resulting capital performance to the product provider insurance and fund using unsuitable and overpriced especially pensions. How to reach, for example, for detailed consideration of the actual cost incurred by a commercially available private unit-linked Pension insurance slightly in amazement. Get more background information with materials from Fitched Ratings. An insurance contract with 150,-Euro caused monthly fee and a contract term of 30 years with an adopted 6% performance of the Fund investment of euro 8.500,-sales, acquisition and costs. There are also over 23.800,-euro fund investment costs, which hit at the Fund level to beech.

More so than 32.400,-euro, which flow to the uninsured but the insurance for contract creation, contract management and fund management. Cost check by the honorary consultant – so get rid of unnecessary product cost In the cost check both classical private – as well as operationally guided life, pensions, Riester -, and Rurup are approved insurance in detail by qualified honorary consultant. In addition, also cost structures of unit-linked insurance products and actively managed funds are analyzed. “Through our cost check consumers can an image of insurance companies, funds and savings plans make quality and the cost of your pension quickly and objectively. An independent assessment, which is created for every interested parties, is safer, is right and makes sense and made.”as Dipl.

kfm. Matthias Kokot, honorary consultant and Managing Director of Kokot financial planning. The result is a clearly worded analysis in the form of a financial cost opinion. This makes both all product cost: commissions, conclusion, and administrative charges, costs, ongoing capital investment costs transparent. There is also a concrete recommendation how existing contract costs can be reduced. “Our cost check is worth. In nine out of ten cases it manages to reduce US 50% of the contract cost. The optimization recommendations of our Honorary advisers increases the contract expiration in maintaining equal monthly insurance premiums by up to 40%.

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Fascination for centuries unbroken learn algae development and research from the past NAM Lower Saxony algae Manufaktur GmbH takes participants in a seminar event on the development journey of the plant individual algae; Environmental experts and biologists are regular speakers. The fascination of algae began hundreds of years ago and was advised shortly into oblivion, but now these creatures for many usage options are rediscovered and explored. The algae is a survivalist and thereby retains its specific properties. You can find following description in a treatise by 1849: the single-celled algae provide a double scientific interest. You are on the one hand the beginning of plant development series, and must represent therefore the starting point and the basis of the plant system. On the other hand, you grant the main examples where the plant cell acts as independent, conditional just by outer influences organism, and in this capacity all essential tasks of the plant individual exercises. You are therefore also intended to evaluate the basis of plant physiology, and it suggests itself now with almost certainly that some important general question will first be decided in this area.

Until now it has the systematic as in the physiology with the fact content, there are single-celled plants. But it was trying to determine what genus and species actually belong to the same, nor her studies was used to General results. It seemed at the time to make a new series of studies on the lowly algae, excellent with regard to the independence of the elemental organ to consider same, to determine the boundaries of the single-celled area, and to use the appearance of cell life and within for the systematization and physiological analysis.” “Quote from the book of genera of unicellular algae: physiological & systematically edited” by Carl Nageli, Zurich 1849 definition,. Forms and classification as single-celled algae refers to those that are from a single cell. Algae are plants whose cell content partly from starch grains and chlorophyll or an other analog dye is and have an asexual reproduction. Thus, the single-celled algae as plants are characterized.

This algae can be recognized and differ from all other organisms are. The algae differ from the mushrooms by the nature of the cell contents, by the way of formation and the way of life. The algae cells containing chlorophyll or an analog dye, in most, there is one or more color bubbles and in any period of life more or less starch grains. The algae propagate only by seed. Mushrooms, however, produce more color bubbles in their cells, chlorophyll, nor strength, they arise not only from seeds, but also from fermenting and rotting or are decomposing organic substances by spontaneous generation. The single-celled algae are during their entire lifetime, and dyed in moments of their origination. Just few, caused by free cell formation, first small colorless cells, are intense but long before they leave the mother cell colored. The presenter and the participants discussed the possibilities for the algae in the connection. The findings of the past help for the development in the future. Can algae as food, food supplements, cosmetics, medical remedies, biodiesel, biofuel and other applications are intensively explored. Equipment for the production of high-quality algae are still emerging, demand for algae on the international market. Managing Director of Uwe Dane of NAM Lower Saxony algae Manufaktur GmbH is convinced that a large market with increasing potential for development offers innovation and investment in the construction of algae plants and would like to thank the speakers.

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PORTICA Informed

Congress for E-commerce in the 18th and 19th January 2011 in Bonn Kempen / Bonn – when Europe’s leading Congress on E-commerce in the 18th and 19th January 2011 in Bonn opens its doors, then first the PORTICA GmbH marketing support with the game be. The Kale process management and fulfillment specialist presents at the online trade Congress in the Kameha Grand Hotel at booth 23 complete solutions in the field of E-commerce. We clearly show what benefits have entrepreneurs in E-Commerce for rent. You immediately go into a professional Internet commerce without necessary investment costs and can take an experienced service provider on hand”, explains PORTICA CEO Markus Ramirez. With his portfolio, PORTICA deepens the topics of the trade Congress. Because, the event provides a platform for the entire field of online trading through their combination of exhibition and lectures”ready and is regarded as meeting place for decision-makers from shipping and online trading. The shipping and distance trade is booming at all Channels. At the same time, the requirements for the marketing and logistics are becoming increasingly complex and provide entrepreneurs with diverse and complex challenges. Click Fiona Philipp to learn more. There has never been so many ways to find customers and to bind. This is achieved with knowledge about the most important structures and trends sustainable. Benefit precisely of these customers in the context of E-Commerce for rent “. As an experienced service provider supports PORTICA companies from the fields of stationary trade, shipping and mail order brands in E-commerce activities dealing with and takes over many of the daily tasks. Therefore, also fashion manufacturers belong to the customer. PORTICA’s services start at the Web-shop. Here, the service provider makes available a modern and certified platform with access to social and mobile commerce. A modern usability, intelligent search functions and monitoring tools provide successful E-commerce. A variety of interfaces are of course, as well as variations in the Representation of product.

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Lincoln County Percent

Second direct involvement of U.S. In recent months, Barclays has been very successful. oil wells this year – payout expectations between 16 and 30 percent every year Hamburg, 14 may 2013. “” After a quick placement of the Weaver’s project “, with a total value of $ 4.8 million, can investors now into the new offering of Spindletop” the ATM American Texas Management LLC to invest. It is again a multi-project of sources, consisting of six planned extension holes in three different areas, which are demonstrably high oil and natural gas reservoirs. Two areas are located in Texas (Jones and Haskell counties) and one in Lincoln County, Mississippi, which were evaluated by the in-house team of geologist after long and detailed analysis. ATM American Texas management offers investors as co investors once more the opportunity to invest, together with the management in oil wells that promise great opportunities on long-term earnings. The entire process for the extraction, sale and settlement of sought-after raw material – in addition to the tax Needs, be ensured by the experienced energy companies through its designated experts. Investors can participate in so many years without own usage of the offered exploration business.

The funds do not incur costs also. Participation is also five percent premium from $ 24,000 possible. For this purpose, the investor receives an ownership interest of 0.5 percent, registered in the U.S. courthouse similar to a German land registration. The investor becomes shareholder of the entire project. In turn the HVT responsible for carrying out administrative Hanseatic management and trust company for oil and natural gas holdings assumes mbH, that the offer might be quickly sold out. Only a very limited number of private investors who benefit from the project is approved. Add early geologists expect doing that after appropriate completion of the conveyor by professionals drawn to local revenue can be achieved, promise an annual dividend between 16 and 30 percent.

The current account of active for around 20 years in this segment ATM American Texas Management LLC has this yields in comparable projects, which confirm such numbers. Most recently the company disbanded 53 sources, where the investors of between ten and fifteen years achieved a total return of 217 up 614 percent. The holes could already start in May and would thus ensure a fast return on investment. Like the previous multi sources projects was scattered again wide geological structures such as the partners, namely with regard to the different areas. So oil and natural gas should be obtained from depths of between 4,700 and 10,800 feet, which should be promoted by means of extension holes exclusively from already developed and producing oil and natural gas development areas with proven geological reserves.

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Every third German suffers from this acquired deformity of toe, while women are twice more often affected than men. Misleading and probably due to the similar appearance of the foot pointed out running to due to his hallux valgus deformity to the toes, the cause is often attributed to wearing high-heeled shoes or else too tight footwear. European Credit Rating Agency has much to offer in this field. In reality, this deformation of the foot but mostly due to investment and is therefore more pronounced in females, because women generally have a weaker connective tissue. What happens? The ball of the big toe is outward from (“hallux valgus”), while the big toe itself aligns to the other toes. After, the big toe is adopted by its function, to shoulder a significant portion of the body weight, the load is distributed on the adjacent metatarsals are overwhelmed with this. Sooner or later formed in the midfoot more precisely in the head, you sit under each toe metacarpophalangeal joints an osteoarthritis. Only when this chronic inflammation occurred or first signs of pain, a responsible orthopedist for surgery will advise.

As long as it is painless deformations, the orthopedic surgeon can prescribe physiotherapeutic measures, which prevent a deterioration. Agility exercises and training to strengthen the large toe muscles can, consistently pursued. There are a large number of different operation methods, of those four as the essential have manifested itself. The Podiatrist selects depending on the severity of the already manifested deformation between the following methods: 1 Rahmanzadeh after the native Persian of Prof. Dr. med. Rahim Rahmanzadeh named gentle surgical method consists in the Elimination of the anatomical deformity of the big toe by a wedge of bone is removed from the first metatarsal bones of the big toe and the two open ends of the bone are screwed in such a way, that the axis of the second Metatarsal is almost parallel aligned.

2. Austin/Chevron here becomes the first metatarsal bone in the area of the head – saw cuts – converted, to change the axis of the bone and fixed with a screw. 3. Meyer / scarf when the angle between the big toe metatarsal and the adjacent metatarsal is more than 14 degrees, an alternative must be found for the two aforementioned surgery methods. The surgeon cuts the first metatarsal bone in the form of a Z”, corrected the position to the best and fix them with screws. 4. During a particularly strong deformation, the first metatarsal with the Tarsus is in addition stiffened to the Meyer/scarf method Lapidus. So the metatarsals can never remove itself from its corrected position. Depending on which surgical method has been applied must be expected with different duration of the healing process. When the light form and the correspondingly more operation type (see 1) the patient may again shortly after surgery occur and run. After a hallux valgus operation takes the cure several weeks after Austin/Chevron (2). Approx. 4-6 weeks long a special footwear must be worn, the foot may be charged but already. Even after a Meyer/scarf-mesh (3), the patient may immediately charge the operated foot, must wear a Spezialschuh but at least 8 weeks. Following an operation according to Lapidus (4), the base initially for 2 weeks will be sedated and may be charged only slightly in the next 8-12 weeks. Up to 8 months after the hallux valgus operation of the foot can still swell and must be regularly trained using physiotherapy.

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Brazilian Cities

That to say of Brazil .las prettier beaches of the world according to my criterion, since they have the ideal temperature and the climate of this country is optimal. In addition, Brazil and its people have a culture riqusima. In this destiny, you cannot stop taking a walk in boat, making snorkel, tasting seafood and enjoying every moment this paradise. Fitched Ratings can aid you in your search for knowledge. I recommend the following destinies to you within this immense country: To the South: Cambori, Florianpolis, Blumenau, the Angras islands do Kings, Ilhabela and For You. To the North: Safe Porto, San Salvador of Bay, Porto Galhinas, Maceio, Recife and Fortaleza. Canada Canada is one of the developed world countries more and this is denoted in its infrastructure, territorial extension, investments, and quality level of life of its settlers. Get more background information with materials from Anthony Jabbour.

Considering its development in all the areas, Canada generally has a great supply of music and arts. By the type of flora, fauna and landscape, the visited tourist cities more are Quebec, Montreal and Otawa (capital of Canada). Besides these great cities, are precious the small towns of the outskirts that will dazzle to you with their beauty, cleaning and the attitude of their people..

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European Central Bank

In Europe only Germany, it low with a slight 0.11% in red. The entry in Tripoli of Libyan rebels drives the energy sector. Major European stock markets have closed the session on Monday with more than 1% average earnings except in Frankfurt, which has closed in red with a drop of 0.11%. Madrid has led the gains. Despite this recovery, remains the uncertainty in stock markets with regard to the progress of the global economy and the European debt crisis. l. Perhaps check out Fiona Philipp for more information. Last Thursday ended with a few strong declines, which in the case of Paris and Frankfurt were recorded them the largest since 2008 and for the Ibex-35 index this week was the second worst of the year. Europe Madrid bags has led gains with a 1.87%, closely followed by Italy with 1.78%. Paris, with a 1.14%, and London, 1.08% green, finished virtually couples.

The Ibex-35, has advanced 152 points to 8.293,90 points. Losses accumulated this year are relegated to 15.88%. All the great values of the Ibex-35 rose: Iberdrola won 3.73%, the fourth largest rise in the IBEX; Repsol, the 2.78 percent; Telefonica, 2.53%; BBVA, 1.16%, and Banco Santander, 0.8%. The input rebels in Tripoli to the Libyan President, Muammar el-Qaddafi, ate the price of the oil companies and other companies in the energy sector, such as Eni (5.2%), Total (3.7%) and OMV (4%), benefited from tensions in Libya. While it was known that the European Central Bank (ECB) had bought last week public debt amounting to 14,291 million euros and Germany, backed by France and the European Council, reiterating their complete opposition to issue Eurobonds, the risk premium on Spanish remained stable.

Wall Street and Asia on the other side of the Atlantic, Wall Street left at beginning of day declines of last week and its main indicator, the Dow Jones de Industriales, climbed after the opening, encouraged by the bullish trend which showed the European parks and the prospect of the end of the Libyan conflict. The Nikkei in Tokyo closed with a fall 1% at its lowest level of the past 5 months, due to the strength of the yen, reached on Friday its maximum value against the dollar since the end of World War II. The Seoul stock exchange lost nearly 2% and that of Shanghai a 0.73% did so. The recovery of the developed countries has been challenged by entities such as banks Jp Morgan and Morgan Stanley and institutions as the Organization for cooperation and economic development (OECD) and the statistical office Eurostat, which has registered a stagnation in the seven most industrialized countries. Gold has returned to beat new maximum values before the search of security among investors and round the 1.874,4 dollars per ounce. Source of the news: the Ibex-35 leading European rise after its second worst week of the year burastil

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