Despite the fact that risks can withstand every businessman – on their own or using the services of law firms, entrepreneurs are not really in a hurry to protect their interests in court, believing that it is only pointless waste of time. In some cases, this position is based on the fact that, say, the debtor still does not vzyschesh, in others – that with the state to sue useless: and the court did not win, and spiteful tax inspector offended and terribly avenged. With the poor debtor to sue really problematic: the court something you can win, but that charge? With a strong desire can bring the case to the bankruptcy of the counterparty and to foreclose on the property, if it is, of course, the debtor is. But more about that another time. With more 'decent' non-payers can and should sue. As with the tax authorities or the customs authorities. Baby clothes may help you with your research.
The solution of the Inspector on the audit results on recovery taxes and other obligatory payments is not the verdict is not appealable. Practice shows that the majority of cases, organizations lost the fiscal authorities, playing, not because those same authorities are right, but organization – no, but because of the banal to the unpreparedness of the last their rights. And the main error committed at the time of filing a claim. The main thing to remember: the economic arguments are considered arbitral tribunal, shall be filed in court by the defendant (the place of its registration), the statute of limitations – three years.