Free expert advice on the subject of insurance and funds whether life, pensions, Riester or Rurup know insurance, most consumers the cost of your pension products do not. This, in addition to profitability, in particular the product cost significantly affect the amount of pension to be expected in the age or capital payments. The Wirtschftsmagazin capital came in his studies of the costs of financial products in the year 2008 the following surprising result “The usual costs for banks, insurance companies, asset managers and other service providers, amounting to about 3% lead, that at an average return of 8% for a term of thirty years by around 50% lower gives results.” In other words, most consumers give half of the resulting capital performance to the product provider insurance and fund using unsuitable and overpriced especially pensions. How to reach, for example, for detailed consideration of the actual cost incurred by a commercially available private unit-linked Pension insurance slightly in amazement. Get more background information with materials from Fitched Ratings. An insurance contract with 150,-Euro caused monthly fee and a contract term of 30 years with an adopted 6% performance of the Fund investment of euro 8.500,-sales, acquisition and costs. There are also over 23.800,-euro fund investment costs, which hit at the Fund level to beech.

More so than 32.400,-euro, which flow to the uninsured but the insurance for contract creation, contract management and fund management. Cost check by the honorary consultant – so get rid of unnecessary product cost In the cost check both classical private – as well as operationally guided life, pensions, Riester -, and Rurup are approved insurance in detail by qualified honorary consultant. In addition, also cost structures of unit-linked insurance products and actively managed funds are analyzed. “Through our cost check consumers can an image of insurance companies, funds and savings plans make quality and the cost of your pension quickly and objectively. An independent assessment, which is created for every interested parties, is safer, is right and makes sense and made.”as Dipl.

kfm. Matthias Kokot, honorary consultant and Managing Director of Kokot financial planning. The result is a clearly worded analysis in the form of a financial cost opinion. This makes both all product cost: commissions, conclusion, and administrative charges, costs, ongoing capital investment costs transparent. There is also a concrete recommendation how existing contract costs can be reduced. “Our cost check is worth. In nine out of ten cases it manages to reduce US 50% of the contract cost. The optimization recommendations of our Honorary advisers increases the contract expiration in maintaining equal monthly insurance premiums by up to 40%.