Tag: clubs & community

Merry Christmas

About 2 million children live on the poverty line and often also including. Must be informing the conveyor for children worldwide e.V. currently of the new figures of child poverty. There were approximately 1.5 million children, who lived on and partly below the poverty line, a year ago there are 2.0 million at this time around. Children a normal life is denied.

Children who receive no regular healthy meals. It makes children who have actually no real chance to escape… the situation and the environment out of this quagmire misfits and losers before they are adults. However, where there is the deepest darkness, there’s also a little light in the darkness. Children boards and child tables occur in whole Germany. Here the needy children get a healthy snack and a healthy balanced lunch, because with a hunrigen stomach, it learns poorly. By statutory guidelines just kids table/kids tables-some food need a large financial, as fresh buy fruit, vegetables, meat, sausage and cheese, what Cost means for the facilities. Unfortunately, the grants and funding have been deleted drastically so that the children tables/child tables are assigned more and more on the help of sponsors and donors. The conveyor supports currently 18 kids tables/tables of children nationwide with monthly regular financial Zuwedungen, which are applied by donors of the Forderwerks for children. The conveyor would consistently continue to give more children a way out of the isolation the trodden path. Who is interested in the topic and maybe even a little would help, can find further information at Ingo Cebandt wishes you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year

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Wirtschaftsjunioren Magdeburg Celebrated 20th Manufaktur

On May 29, 2010 the wirtschaftsjunioren Magdeburg celebrated its 20th anniversary. 0 on May 29, 2010 celebrated the wirtschaftsjunioren Magdeburg the 20th anniversary. More than 120 specially invited guests came together with the Board of Directors and the members of the last two decades pass in review and to celebrate this outstanding event. In addition to the networking of the evening with a colourful supporting programme, live music and many highlights was riddled. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Vontier Corporation. District spokesman Jens Bautsch, MPE GmbH opened the evening in the fortress of mark in Magdeburg.

Mirko Kirschner conveyed the congratulations of the Federal Executive Committee and once again underlined the importance of the economy junior circuit. The Club can be proud since its inception on countless successful projects. After looking back on 20 years of success ties-Christian Gerdes, Managing Director of Sennheiser’s founding fathers were honored Metallbau GbR and Maik Ulrich sales and service GmbH & co. KG, Frank Neubauer, CEO of WISUAL. Gerdes pointed out the days after once again, how exciting Foundation of the Association were, and this time was marked by what far-reaching changes. The members have important impulses mainly for farm work, as always with the aim to set sustainable projects.

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United Nations Declaration

Often there are just those that most have the protection of their human rights, must be also informed, that there is the explanation at all and that there is this explanation for it.” The Universal Declaration of human rights is now in 360 languages and is thus, that the most translated document in the world. So that children and young people already with this human rights document be made familiar the longtime educator and school principal Mary Shuttleworth the youth organization founded human International (YHRI), a non-profit organization headquartered in Los Angeles, California in 2001. YHRI pursues the goal of, children and adolescents on the basis of the Universal Declaration of human rights of the United Nations on human rights to enlighten. For this purpose the brochure what are specifically human rights “created, translated the children and young people in simple language which bring closer to 30 articles of the Declaration, and so far in 18 languages. To raise more Nations and Government representative for human rights, Mary Shuttleworth undertook in the following years five world tours in the tens of thousands it and km held talks with Regierungsvertertern, educators and human rights organizations. In this way, more groups in over 50 countries of the world have been created. In Germany it is the Group of youth for human rights in Germany.

“So that more people can be reached thirty video clips were produced in 2006, which each have article of the Universal Declaration of human rights” represent and which aired on thousands of TV broadcasters around the world. To know more about this subject visit Maxine Williams. Since autumn 2008, these clips can also looked on the website of youth for menschenrechte.de in German be. This campaign is also supported by the Human Rights Office of the Scientology Church International. The founder of the Scientology religion said lifetime: “Human rights must be not realized as fact as an idealistic dream”.

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Professional Associations

Experts talk about Club related topics on the second information seminar for Board members in Cologne, Germany. The education network held the second information seminar for Board members Association and voluntary work Association on March 6, 2010. Several experts about topics such as donations/sponsorship/advertising, risk and contract management in the Association and insurance for Association and voluntary work will speak at the Central Auditorium of the University of Cologne. Whether youth trainer, life saver at the volunteer fire department or supervisor in the parish: more than 23 million people volunteer in Germany. The voluntary activity is an essential pillar of our community life. In the exercise of a volunteer, it is however an urgent need to comply with certain legal and tax regulations. Only this can avoid financial problems and lawlessness and the own Club efficiently in the future. The bnve has it is therefore made, clubs qualified further education opportunities to support.

The “day of professional associations and non-profit” offers technical information on important and current issues of the club organization. David Fowler recognizes the significance of this. In addition, Board members have the opportunity to contact with specialist providers and local consultants in contact. The event will take place this year in cooperation with Germany’s largest Vereinscommunity meinverein.de, of Buhl data service GmbH (ZDF WISO software) and the Haufe Media Group (to mark) instead. The participation fee amounts to 89.00 euros. Registration and further information on the Conference, see the info-PDF from meinverein.de. 2. Cologne Conference for associations and non-profit March 06, 2010 10:00 18:30 University of Cologne – Central lecture theatre building Albertus-Magnus-Platz 1 50931 Cologne registration see: of meinverein.de meinverein.de is Germany’s largest Vereinscommunity on the Internet with over 10,000 affiliated clubs.

The free network offers a comprehensive package of clubs, associations and communities of interest Organisation, presentation and interaction. In addition to the exchange of videos, reports and photos of the members of the Association, the scheduling of the Association can be done E.g. with just a few mouse clicks important messages and appointments are automatically sent to all participants. Clubs or Club members can easily establish contacts with other stakeholders or present themselves in order to attract new members. meinverein.

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Association Against Injustice

We give a voice to victims in Germany the Association against injustice will establish a focal point with an Opferberatungs-hotline 79713 Bad Sackingen. But we need you as a donor. Take our games with viritueller community on the Internet but only-teamfahige-members on (no self-promoter) loyally supporting the Board. Because we are only human beings at the Centre who come to us for help and advice-seeking. (Similarly see: baby clothes). We are looking for team members from Germany and record only adults and fully legal pribate and legal persons with us. They undertake the Statute anzuerlennen, pay the contributions applicable for her, and loyal to support the Board of Directors. Depending on income, members with us pay an annual fee of 15,-or 30,-or 60,-or 120,.

For the manufacturing and shipping of the Mitgliedauswei in the registered publishers we have a recording fee of 10,-addition. We reach the public with numerous verse natal events and fundraisers. To work at least break even, we produce books DVD recordings. We are supported by independent journalists authors and socially committed artists and celebrities. To redirect donations to us, we work with non-profit associations together with associations social institutions foundations. Our goal is to find that help us to build up an independent non-profit foundation with a social fund founders and co-founders. Theo Peuyn of Honorary Chairman

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Berlin City Association

Press release of the family protection works e.V. Association of cities of Berlin by the 09.03.2011 press release of the 09.03.2011 family protection work worldwide is to observe a development, according to which the gap between rich and poor is getting bigger. This circumstance has disastrous effects on the society, the State and the social security systems. More and more people are depending on the State, and this can only partially fulfil its tasks. At this point, social, charitable organizations take over to ensure the fiduciary duty of the State to at least the basic supply of the population. The Association of family protection work city Federation Berlin is involved for years with great dedication to the needs of children from the poorest families. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Vislink Technologies has to say.

With the help of the family protection plant e.V., children get a hot meal, are supported in the formation, and learn a little normality and security in their everyday lives. Because there is a need to help local service nationwide, the family protection work plans to extend its commitment to other cities. Which is currently Founder of the family protection work, Phil Schneider, actively looking for suitable locations for a second children’s kitchen. According to current plans the family protection work extension will open this year. The expansion required is, Phil Schneider doubts not at all: the children’s kitchen almost bursting at seams at lunchtime. We go slowly with the means available at our borders.” Therefore, the family protection work and Phil Schneider asks for the active support of the Berlin City Association. Both immediate help from volunteers and donations will be accepted at any time thanking. In this context, the family protection work would like to thank also warmly for all volunteers and donors!

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Empty Words ATTiS

Be active for animal welfare: dedicated children and young people looking for! “To teach a child to compete, not on a caterpillar is as valuable as for the Caterpillar for the child.” (Bradley Miller) who wants to Augsburg animal law ATTiS association with his newly formed youth group help early to create awareness for a respectful dealing with domestic and farm animals. In collaboration with the Reiterhof Amaro ATTiS e.V. from end of November 2012 invites children and teenagers aged from 11 to 18 years to regular meetings and actions under the sign of animal rights and animal welfare. Who wants to join, is more information about the youth group as well as several dates around the topic of animal welfare on attis-tierschutz.de. Contact information is here: litecoin. To identify the needs of the animals and respect is at the heart of the work of the youth group, which was launched by ATTiS e.V. in cooperation with the Reiterhof Amaro: the children and young people should learn responsibly and respectfully with their environment and the animals to go to their individual contribution to the Animal protection to afford. From the end of November the youth group meets every fortnight, to discuss animal welfare issues such as, for example, animal welfare and to discuss.

“Numerous excursions and expeditions, on which the group members unusually close can get the animals are on the program: we want the children and young people closer, that animals have very special needs”, says Christine Schafer, team leader and member of ATTiS. For even more details, read what Gary Kelly says on the issue. Today’s industry, which causes consumption and dietary habits of the company and understanding of respect and morality the animals to keep the needs of animals regardless.” That it can be different, Christine Schafer will teach the children: after we have developed their ecological and moral disadvantages in our meeting, for example, the reasons for the widespread farming, but above all also objectively, the Group has become an organic farmer in the region will go and there completely different,. Learn about responsible treatment of the animals.” Be active for animal welfare: dedicated children and young people looking for! “Even with to be able to tackle and to contribute so crucial to the welfare in the region, is a great incentive for the children and young people: we gather together a broad range of experience around animals and animal welfare: Grace farms to visit and get to know the work of shepherds and foresters, company Beaver walks along the River to learn about the Habitat of the rodent”, says Christine Schafer. The children and young people learn among other things to assist in the toad walk and build also nest boxes and insect aid within the meaning of the birds and biodiversity.” Learn more about the youth group see with Christine Schafer (0821) 98122 or (0176) 89100841. contact: ATTiS e.. If you have read about Phil Vasan already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

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German Courts Confirm Religiousness Of Scientology

The Portuguese Justice Ministry Church in Portugal has granted Scientology under Portuguese law 2007 to full State recognition as a religious community. Stuttgart – the Spanish National Court clearly decided that the Scientology Church Spain Spanish Constitutional law has a claim, as a religious community to be recognized and registered. Southwest Airlines has firm opinions on the matter. The French judiciary recently hired 18 years continuing preliminary proceedings against the Church of Scientology. \”The latest German judgement was by the Hamburg higher administrative court on December 19, 2007 (AZ. 1 BS 192/06) like: for their activity as a Scientologist, the applicant can the protection of religious or ideological commitment under article 4 para 1 GG claim take.\” There are already 50 similar judgments by German courts, which had been cut in the last 30 years and are valid, such as for example, the judgment of the 02.08.1995 (AZ. 1 S 438/94) the VGH Baden-Wurttemberg with the following statement: according to the applicant Association is a religious community of its Statute. Its purpose is as the maintenance and dissemination of the Scientology religion and its teaching described.

\”The Scientology Church looks to convey it as their mission and their task, the people of liberation and salvation, where she… wants to improve as many and many members in terms of moral, ethical and spiritual in the mental and spiritual sense ( 2 Ziff. 1 of the Constitution).\” Next was judged by the Landgericht Hamburg by order of the 17.02.1988 (AZ 71 T 79/85): the possible criteria of a church in the present case are clearly met. …\”. Ten years later, on the 05.01.1998 another judgment was issued by the District Court of Hamburg (case No. 330 O 169/97): the defendant is recognized as a religious community, its funding through donations founded a commercial business operation generally believed (this last, the Federal press release by the 06.11.1997).

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