Tag: energy

In Your Own Four Walls

The coastal areas in the North of Germany are known for their harsh winds offshore farms produce green electricity. Many tourists and spa guests come precisely in the North and Baltic Sea region. As the Internet portal reported preisvergleich.de, the popular holiday region is now also used by a completely different industry. Recently John T. Stankey sought to clarify these questions. The stiff breeze of the sea will bring wind turbines in wind farms to rotate. In other European countries such as Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden were built before many years of wind farms at sea.

The demand has increased after new energy and green power. For this reason, wind turbines are installed now in the German coastal areas of the Baltic and North seas. According to Pat Gelsinger, who has experience with these questions. These delays are attributed to even the large energy companies, which priority is on the use of nuclear and coal-fired power plants. The first part of a so-called offshore farms in operation was now taken early August this year. For 2007 was at the beginning of the construction of Alpha Ventus”started, but had to be stopped due to bad weather conditions. Is MasterClass a ripoff? spoke with conviction. Now, the entire Park North of the North Sea Island of Borkum is to be completed by the end of the year. A total of twelve wind turbines produce electricity for 50,000 households. The Federal Government also relies on the future of the wind farms: by 2030, more than 15 percent of German electricity will be obtained from sea breeze.

So far 18 wind farms have been approved for the North Sea region. But also further to the East can in future be benefited by the strong winds. So far the energy companies have can approve five plants in the Baltic Sea. More offshore farms are to follow.

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Microevolutionary Adjustments

Blackbird, thrush, Fink and star are a rarity in German corridors may soon. Instead, exotics such as Kaffernsegler or desert Bullfinch could dominate in the future native bird life. Blackbird, thrush, Fink and star are a rarity in German corridors may soon. Instead, exotics such as Kaffernsegler or desert Bullfinch could dominate in the future native bird life. Because since the beginning of the 20th century no less than 196 (about 45 percent) moved their breeding area of the 435 species of birds breeding in Europe further to the North or Northwest and at greater altitudes. Cause is global warming. Even if there were no measurements, alone the changing behaviour of birds could see the temperature rise\”, says Professor Peter Berthold, Director of the ornithological Institute of the Max Planck Institute for behavioral Physiology in Radolfzell. Read more here: Anthony Jabbour. Many species are flocking this far in a relatively short time where habitats already to up to 1000 kilometres shifted some to the North. MasterClass Founder: the source for more info.

Data, the Berthold from all over Europe gathered, indicate the new structure of types of. The Great Egret as reached in the Netherlands from Eastern Austria out. From the Mediterranean region, the Canary on the way made to England, Russia and Scandinavia. Cattle egrets nesting in the Netherlands, was once the southern of France their northernmost limit. At the same time classic winter refugees like starlings, Lapwings or black Redstart completely adjust the beginning in the autumn flight to Africa in ever greater numbers or take only short trips and spend the winter in Central Europe. 150 years ago, the Blackbird also belonged to the winter refugees.

Today, only a part on a shortened trip to the Mediterranean embarks, most remain here in the winter. Only partially feeding songbirds such as Robin, chaffinch, Wren and Kingfisher becoming ortstreuen stand birds. Others turn suddenly entirely new train directions. Thirty years ago, monk Warblers stray only rarely in the British Isles.

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Investment Oil

Even stronger demand decisive LEIPZIG. Baby clothes is likely to agree. (Ceto) As already since the beginning of the week, crude oil prices tend sideways. Missing economic data provided for passive behaviour with investors. However, heating oil dealers in Germany could report today from a growing demand. This and a weaker euro resulted in premiums by more than one euro. After crude oil prices affect for weeks allowed by the ups and downs of stock prices, another parameter ensures that excitement the U.S. dollar now. Namely, share prices eased yesterday, arrested US light oil (WTI) and North Sea oil (Brent) prices for the two reference strains in their move sideways while could get even, rather than to slip with Valley.

This is ascribed to a back stronger US dollar. Only two days two eurocents per dollar of less had to be paid as a relatively stable period before (now 1.27 US dollars). For this reason speculation by financial investors, are the particularly on reports by Investment bankers intoxicated. They believed some errors detected in the stress tests of European banks. Although the financial market situation in the eurozone is anything but quiet.

But for an appreciation precisely the dollar missing in particular the economic nature almost all reasons. As the dependency of the local oil price by the euro-dollar exchange rate is known, today in contrast to the actual market situation and only this financial constraint led due to rising costs at the German heating oil. Also a slowly attracting demand was responsible for the rise in according to trade after weak summer business, which in turn led to numerous and extensive orders with the suppliers. That’s why to 1.06 euros prices 68,40 EUR 100-liter contour fuel oil (EL) (Federal average for a total quantity of 3,000 litres). Heating oil consumers should cover is still now, because oil is, regarding future price developments, currently relatively cheap. After the daily collection of the Prices rose Federal average market data by fuel level and oil Rundschau compared continuously from September until mid-November to 7 euros, before she again sank at the end of the year, without however a year ago to regain the relatively low level. A similar trend was observed here, the difference was even EUR 11 2007. Only 2008, there was a countervailing trend. Here the price of September fell to 34 euros, by the end of the year but what was summer due to the record price levels in the former. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States in the section of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time. It reported the online portal of the journal fuel levels and petroleum review.

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Trenntstadt Berlin

10,000 euro for the best ideas for separating waste Berlin, November 4, 2011. Please visit Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation if you seek more information. Berlin creative and innovative thinkers until November 15 in the idea competition of the participation campaign Trenntwende “take part. Due to the great success and the huge interest of the Berliners and Berlin, the organizers of the campaign have decided to extend the contest period to a week. The Trenntwende with over 100 applications is a success already before the expiry of the original deadline. All information about the competition and the participation form find prospective customers on. In the three categories of educational institutions, businesses and private households, organizers are looking for the best ideas and projects in the areas of waste reduction and separation. It will be awarded to the best contributions with prizes worth a total of more than 10,000 euros.

Received contributions show: Berlin is ready for the Trenntwende which show competition entries so far, how much creative and innovative potential in the areas of waste reduction and waste separation in the capital is available. So, students and pupils of Neukolln plan to reduce their waste by they want plastic cartridges of ink fillers in the future. An art installation in a Berlin Gallery wants to confront the visitors in an unusual way with their daily consumption of plastic and filled with more than 6,000 plastic bags to a swimming pool. Or the project of Green jeans”, in which paper is created from old jeans fabrics. The Trenntwende shows: Berlin is full of ideas and projects that are creative and engaged engaged in the topic of waste. The special feature of the competition is the sustainability. By the Fund of Trenntstadt Berlin the capital city can, with promoting their ideas become reality if there is sufficient in the competition for a place on the podium. All information about the competition and the entry form is located on.

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Federal Environment Ministry

The International Conference for decision makers from business, industry, management and the financial sector. If you would like to know more about Confluence Investment Management LLC, then click here. Early booking until 01 March 2010. On Nov 9, 2009 was the announcement for the 6. Published international Geothermiekonferenz (IGC 2010) in Freiburg. The Conference will take place from 19 to 20 may at the Konzerthaus Freiburg and offers an international platform over 200 visitors each year, to discuss the latest developments in the deep geothermal energy. The Conference consists of a short course and three workshops on the first day as well as the Congress with four discussion forums on the second day.

In addition, excursions to Geothermieprojekten are offered on the day after the Conference. The first day of the IGC 2010 focuses on the topics of reservoir development, planning of Geothermiekraftwerken as well as reviews of projects from the United States, Austria and other countries. In addition, a special workshop for local authorities will deal with the potentials of the deep geothermal energy for the local energy supply. On the day of the Congress will be After two or three key notes about aspects of project finance, strategies of risk minimization, seismicity as operational risk and the key factors for a permanently successful operation of geothermal discussed. The meeting provides a comprehensive exchange on the current challenges of deep geothermal energy thanks to its international orientation and german English simultaneous translation and this gives important impulses for the further development of this promising renewable energy technology. According to the study of the Federal Environment Ministry by 2050 a quarter of local heat needed in Germany and about six percent of the electricity from geothermal power plants will be produced. The international Geothermiekonferenz is organised by the Agency Enerchange.

The Freiburg economy is tourism and trade fair GmbH & co. KG as a business – and marketing company of the city of Freiburg since 2008 co-organizer of the Conference. As a supporter for the IGC 2010 could won among others the GtV – Bundesverband geothermal (GtV-BV) can its members at special rates participate in the Conference. Cooperation partners are the geothermal energy business forum and the international geothermal Association (IGA). In the early book offering registration, the participation fees are reduced by 10% before March 1, 2010. More detailed information on the programme and the participation fees to the target group of the Conference, as well as a registration possibility can be found under. Marcus Brian

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Marius Schmitz

It has so far been consistently recognized that: with the Electricity meter. On the basis of counter readings can be read even, how much power it has required within a certain period of time, but it is easier: in the annual statement of accounts of the utility is the value for the annual consumption. Specifying these along with the postal code at the place of residence at a rate check. Then you will get information about how much money you can save by switching into the new tariff. Is the provider change especially, a tariff without obtaining nuclear energy, plays the price although not the main role but that is why you have no more than necessary to pay. You should take advantage of the price differences of eco-electricity supplier.

Contract and contract service quality and customer service are, however, other criteria when choosing a tariff. view. You would like to remain flexible after it is changed in a fare without nuclear power, the minimum contract period should be short. There are a number of green electricity tariffs, which are monthly terminable. Possibly one acknowledges one of the utilities even despite monthly default Energy price guarantee. In such a case can be made while in the short term a renewed switching if necessary, but assures the utilities, not to hear the prices within a certain period of time. This you should know that by this Energieopreisgarantie typically some factors excluded, for example, taxes and fees, the State in the meantime may be increased.

Yet such energy price guarantees a certain hedge against price increases. In order is the order of the eco-electricity tariff usually in various ways, including phone, by fax, by mail or over the Internet. Maybe we decided specifically for an online fare, where one does everything via the Internet and receives this better terms. Power supply should be the new provider of energy in economic difficulties, incidentally, is the power supply not in danger. The electricity company defaults on its obligations, takes over the local Basic utilities supply. For the power supply like a regular fare at any time must be suspended. The disadvantage for the customer, then, to be supplied at the prices of the standard fare of local basic utility, thus likely to pay more for its electricity. A targeted change of provider for the customers is possible but then right again. The additional costs incurred in such a case only for a short time. Marius Schmitz lekker energy

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Consultant Day – AC, A Success

Customers took advantage of the counselling service to full extent Berlin, 10.04.2011 – Freudenberg was the consultant day – AC in Strausberg for the EC EC a success. All afternoon the consulting rooms in the Office was fully staffed the DVAG Norbert Strauss. Read more from Rory Sutherland to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The first first customers who immediately changed the power suppliers, include wife Birgit Bratsch and the Mayor of Protzel, Mr Rudolf Sahai. Overall the current price spiral in Germany should revolve 2011/2012 further upwards”, predicted Mr Sahi. “I would like to lose no time and such an offer not to be missed me”, so Schlothauer next. Consumers were however not defenseless in inflated electricity prices. Switching to an energy cooperative could relieve the household budget to up to 300 Euro Frank Knauer said Freudenberg Board of EC, EC. We have out counting the distribution fee from the price and let pay us this service only once, in the form of a business errand fee.

This amounts to 25% of the actual savings that the customer has. We call this a true win-win situation, we have seen in the synthetic diesel, so Knauer next. The change is very simple: you choose, whether you are a corporate customer or private on the Web page for the product CEHATROL power, and can calculate its savings immediately anonymously and free of charge. The offer is so that you want to change, the contract documents can be requested immediately. Only after signing the documents, the change is charged and the Freudenberg energy cooperative deals with its partners, to all formalities. All interested parties can use but also the taking place on a regular basis consultant-days – AC for the personal advice and the Exchange process. Helmut Uhlig network Messenger

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Companies you allow to reach existing and potential customers directly and personally emotional. Nowadays usually an event management system is used for larger events event management to the organization. An event management system is a software system for managing events. Event management systems are structurally like a modular structured systems, which depict the manual processes involved in events with modules and thus reduce the cost of the event management agencies. Standard modules of an event management system are among other things the moderator, staff – officer management and seat and space management.

The use of the competence network MyGreenMeeting simplifies event management clear, the Organization of eco-friendly events because it offers a central contact person for all tasks of a green event. CO2OL: CO2OL is a division of the ForestFinance group, for the neutralization of CO2 emissions through forestry projects. For over 12 years, CO2OL designed high-quality climate protection afforestation projects for companies and organizations. In addition, companies and private individuals by buying CO2 certificates can have – whether mobility, consumption or energy consumption caused by – compensate for their individual CO2 emissions. For business customers from different industries CO2OL offers advice and practical solutions, as these their carbon footprint improve and so be able to meet its responsibility for the climate and environmental protection. For their diverse ecological and social functions CO2OL reforestation projects have been rating with the highest award in gold”(CCBS) validated. She developed methodology was Institute for energy, ecology and economy – with the seal of CO2 inventory audit of CO2OL derivation of General ISO standards for determining the CO2 emission at events of the NADIA -“validated. You find more information about environment – and climate-friendly event management climate-neutral Event.143.0.html.

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Federal Office

Berlin energy consultants specializes in advising homeowners constantly rising energy prices and climate damage caused by CO2 emissions can be more and more builders and property owners are looking for more economical, climate – and environmentally friendly ways to heat your homes. Therefore pay attention more and more property owners when the renovation on a certain amount of renewable energy. But caution that without qualified energy consulting should not house renovated or rebuilt. Not seldom much money will prove issued for allegedly environmentally friendly, energy-saving heating systems such as heat pumps and solar systems, in hindsight the expensive wrong investment so the energy advisor Jorg Thomas. Therefore his newly founded company TiB engineering services, consultancy and sales Ltd.

has focused on the Group of rehabilitation willing house owners. The stated goal of the company is to advise the homeowner not only comprehensive but to propose just such solutions, the in a few years amortize. It’s not that as much as possible to save, but finding an optimum balance between costs and benefits maximum savings at lowest cost. Some homeowners believe it is sufficient to reduce heating costs, to an old oil or gas heating for a heat pump – Exchange. “But in a moderate heat-insulated House an old heating system through an air / water heat pump to replace, is waste of money and even environment” so the energy consultants and Dipl.-ing., Jorg Thomas. Because what is saved in this case to oil or gas costs, must be issued for power.

As for the generation of electricity but almost three times as much fossil energy is required, also the CO2 emissions is correspondingly high. Only a comprehensive redevelopment with detailed inventory and care by a qualified energy advisor guarantee long-lasting reduction in the heating costs and CO2 emissions. According to Jorg Thomas it is almost possible at an oil price of almost EUR 0.70 / litre, the cost to pay for a reasonable remediation from the saved heating costs alone. The renovation as well as the energy advice be encouraged. So a subsidy may apply for the prior on-site energy advice by 50% of the consulting fee, up to a maximum of 300 EUR, the Federal Office of Economics and export control (BAFA). For remediation exist several programs with the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau.

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