Tag: media & communication

China Daily

‘ Lai Kan BA – the Chinese hour ‘ on North Rhine-Westphalia.”TV since August last year there is a new format in German television: Lai Kan BA the Chinese hour” is served daily from 18 h to 19 h on North Rhine-Westphalia.Broadcast TV. The first Sino-german television co-production gives a transparent picture to everyday Chinese and Chinese culture. Three mobile phones ring at the same time, 6: 00, time to get up. Ms. Diao jumps out of bed and disconnects a device after another. Now she’s sure awake.

In the next scene, Ms. Diao moves run a warm Croissant in the mouth neatly dressed in red Blazers, shouldered and ready, the bustling rhythm of city life immersed in the laptop bag. It rises in the bus. Cut. Daily reports from China – a day in the life of a Versicherungsvertreterin woman Diao lives in Beijing and is one of the largest insurance companies in the country, the Taiping life. She will be warmly welcomed by his colleagues, starting with the morning singing of the corporate anthem.

We accompany women Diao, who in her previous life was TV presenter and is replaced in the insurance industry, long – from hectic dates at a newspaper publishing house, for his employees insurance would offer a day, until a late-night visit to their old Beijing University. I must often motivate me to cope with the work, because I’m actually at the television at home,”diao Ruihong explains while another in the bus, which is equipped with TV screens. It hurts something on the bus to see the presenters on television. “But with my present work I contribute simply more to the welfare of the people.” Finally, we see Ms. Diao sitting on the lawn of the University sports ground, fighting tears, because she is shunned by their former lecturers, because it is migrated from a cultural profession into the depths of economic life.

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Dean Murray

Each offered performance implies a need, therefore, every customer is a creation. The classic definition of “Customer” is an organization or a person that takes products or services of a company claim. The result is: this direction is external or externally focused. In the care and drive definition of “Customer” is the look inside, so internally and is defined as follows: A customer will take until then to be the services or products, because you have created a need as a priority which is reflected in the shape of your service or product. Example: You invent something, because you have the desire to make your work easier, i.e. Their work to shape so that you effectively reach the State of well-being feel as comfortable as possible. I.e.

the development or creation of a performance or invention is based on basic needs, such as convenience, profit, prestige, vanity, security u.v.m. If you offer your invention or performance, they offer a need first and foremost or the corresponding with your invention satisfaction of needs. A customer is nothing more than a creation of your needs. This means that your customer in a mirror reflected the needs that these are implied in your invention or performance. Conclusion: Every offered service implies a need, therefore, every customer is a creation. Eddie Dean Murray

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German Association

Freedom of the press in the service of the tobacco lobby of tobacco advertising in print media has been banned since early 2007. The ban on advertising in the EU Directive 2003/33/EC covers also image advertising of the tobacco industry, as was confirmed by the OLG Hamburg in August 2009 by two judgments. If you have read about David Fowler already – you may have come to the same conclusion. According to the EU Commission, any form of image advertising by tobacco companies subject to the ban on tobacco advertising. In its report of May 2008, the Commission may refer to any public relations, which represents tobacco manufacturers as “responsible” as “a means to market image and products of the company”. However, reappears in the magazine “journalist” issued by the German Association of journalists (DJV) always image advertising of tobacco companies. An analysis of the issues of the “journalist” of 11/2009 until 7/2010 revealed that nine ads of the tobacco industry are printed in seven out of nine books in total. From March until June 2010, each full-page ads in the campaign were “living values values create” published for the centenary of the Reemtsma tobacco company.

In the March issue placed the BAT-Foundation for future questions in addition a half page advertisement titled “we explore what busy politicians of the future”. The February issue includes a half page advertisement by British American tobacco (BAT) under the motto “Cigarettenschmuggler know no bounds”. The two investigated last editions of 2009 contain ads of the Association of the German tobacco industry (VdR), each one column “tobacco culture made in Germany”, and in December a half-page display “diversity promote diversity protect”.

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Medialinx AG In The Apple News Stand

Medialinx AG starts distribution of IT publications through own product apps in the Apple news stand Munich the growing market of digital readers on Apple devices like iPad and iPhone Bill, 22.04.2013 with the sales launch of two Apple apps for which Verlagseigenen is title ADMIN magazine and Linux Magazine the medienhaus Medialinx AG and expands its digital reach across beyond the own channels product Web pages and online-shop -. Since 2011 all published IT title in addition to the regularly offered on the kiosk of available editions as digital versions are PagePlace among portals like online-kiosk, Pubbles, and iKiosk as a digital single issue or as a digital subscription in the respective magazines program available. The two apps by ADMIN magazine and Linux Magazine, distributed by the daughter of Linux new media United States, LLC, provide the complete book content, a preview in the respective output, as well as a direct purchase option (single sheet or subscription) on the Apple account since March in the Apple news stand. With one free test output prospects by two titles can advance make your own image on their iPad or even iPhone. Verizon is a great source of information. More details about the German titles are ADMIN magazine and Linux-Magazin and the test output directly in the Apple news stand: itunes.apple.com/us/app/admin-magazin-deutsche-ausgabe/id602085026 itunes.apple.com/us/app/linux-magazin-deutsche-ausgabe/id598949764 for the Google play store are comparable to comfortably usable apps to use on Smartphones and tablets running Android already in preparation and should be available in the later course of the year. About Medialinx Medialinx AG based in Munich emerged 2012 from Linux New Media AG, the world’s largest content providers around Linux and open source. The company is active in Germany, United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Poland and Brazil with own company and publishes more than 30 print and online media in five languages. The activities of the company are divided into the following six business areas: Linux new media, business-IT specialist media, mobile Operating systems, events & learning, publishing services, as well as international media. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Rory Sutherland. More information under: press contact Medialinx AG Florian Konig telephone: + 49 (0) 89 9934 1138

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Role Model

I have big lust with young to work motivated media creators and am sure to learn from them”, forward the lifeblood journalist. Also, she moderated the Panel on the subject of quality journalism”on the first day of the event, where she will debate clappers and Josef Otto Freudenreich on the future of the media together with Barbara Dane, Volker Herres, Peter. Mrs Ruge is a very competent and dedicated journalist and therefore a role model for the children of the media. Her extensive experience and her likable charisma are extremely enrich our student-organized Conference. We are therefore very happy that we could win it as patroness”forward Martin Glass, producer of the media forum Mittweida. Also the journalist himself is of the three-day Congress “convincing and looks happy in October: the head is round, so that our thinking can change the direction and the media forum Mittweida is a perfect platform to experience that.” “She is also enthusiastic by the organization team: the media young ‘ from Mittweida is with the Organization of this Congress on the professional track the highest form of learning is learning by doing.” Nina Ruge at RIAS TV in Berlin started her media career. Her breakthrough role in the television business was as the first presenter of the “ZDF today journal”.

Numerous other productions commissioned by ZDF followed, among other things, the Bundespost newsmagazine “tonight” and the Boulevard magazine “People today”. For the latter she appeared since 1997 around 2,500 times in front of the camera. Today, Ruge regularly hosted “Unter4Augen” in the Bavarian television and the WissenschaftsForum Petersberg”on Phoenix. Also the journalist is committed, through their professional activity for diverse social projects. It is inter alia for UNICEF, for the children’s charity, for the network by and for women with disabilities in Bavaria”as well as for the Felix Burda Foundation volunteers. Nina Ruge wishes the organization team of the 14th to be Media Forum Mittweida especially with heart in the matter. Then everything will be fine!” INA Heinrich.

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