Tag: stock exchange & stock markets


Protection for investors through high collateral; positive market environment strengthens yield opportunities of Konstanz / Cham(Schweiz), June 28th 2011. Not there is actually a better time for a provider of new wind power projects. The Switzerland, the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy to distance itself clearly from the Atomic Energy and actually all it professionals agree that before the hydropower development of wind energy offers the best conditions, in the medium term to replace coal and nuclear. Poland as economically prosperous neighbouring country to Germany also understood this and wants to achieve in the coming years the connection to European standards. The expansion of renewable energies is not only politically desirable, there are also still best conditions as regards suitable locations. Up to 20 percent of energy from renewable energy sources to be achieved by the year 2020.

To achieve this, not least, the promotion with about 118 euro per mega watt hour (MW) in Europe occupies a leading position. This situation has also “the global invest group with their wind farm opportunity Fund 1 GmbH & co. KG” advantage made and put together with very experienced on-site project development company German wind power (gwp) on the implementation of a variety of planned wind power projects. From 10,000 investors can participate in the Fund, which has a planned duration until the 30.06.2015. So, it is a real short runner Fund. A special combination of a secured loan for the gwp’s parent company, as well as investing in a project company ensures that the available investment capital of fund investors at the end of the term is secured, in particular but also attractive yields can be generated. “We have for the first time participate in the economically most interesting part of the value chain of wind turbines with investors and also in a country with special growth expectations”, explains gwp General Director Friedrich Konrad Prince of Saxe-Meiningen.

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Clever Euros

Average cost-effect increases yield expectations many investors wait with fluctuating rates on an auspicious date for entry into stock investments. But to make it out, is mostly luck. The experts from the VZ VermogensZentrum advise therefore to a different strategy: it is their view better to over to purchase the same securities at regular intervals over a period of time. Because in the ups and downs of the courses, the investor benefits from the average cost-effect (cost-average-effect). So he gets especially many shares at low rates for a certain amount of money. There are fewer shares at high rates. At low rates, you get more, at high rates according to fewer shares for the sum of X.

For example, the investor invested 1,000 euros twelve times per month into a Fund. First, the price of the Fund is 150 euros per share. A month later he is 200 euros. After another month, there are only 100 euro, then 200 euro. So of course only at 100 euro, the investor will receive in months in which stands for 1,000 euros ten shares. In months where the price 200 euro stands, there are five shares.

Total acquires 90 shares of investors in 12 months and 12,000 euros invested. The price of the Fund is 150 euros, after the end of the year the deposit with 90 shares has a value of 13,500 euros. Thus, the yield is 12.5 percent. The investors at the beginning of the investment in one fell swoop for 12,000 euros bought fund shares, he would have bought 80 shares for 150 euros each and achieved no return after a year.

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Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Tension on the stock markets in light of the debt crisis in Europe and the financial troubles in the United States is growing fear in the stock market. More and more investors fear a devaluation of their savings and take refuge in the supposedly safest investment, the market has to offer: gold. The increasing demand drives the price of gold within a short time to ever new record levels. The Exchange Portal boersennews.de reported about the reasons for the trend. Verizon Communications describes an additional similar source. The uncertainty in the financial markets due to the ongoing debt crisis is great. Traditionally, the gold demand at such times. The price of a Troy ounce of gold on a dollar basis on a record level was already in May.

The current price of gold reached new peaks. As the main reason for the rapid increase, experts consider the poor evaluation of the creditworthiness of Portugal by the rating agency of Moody’s. A such strong devaluation was not expected in General. The price of gold per fine ounce immediately to $40 rose as a result. As regards the demand is to determine that the interest is growing all over the world. Also the domestic controversy in the United States are cause for concern in addition to the euro crisis.

The US Government is struggling for weeks to raise the statutory debt ceiling. Should not soon be an adequate solution arising, threatens chaos in the financial markets. More information:… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

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Euroreal Negative Investment Result

Real estate fund CS Euroreal: negative investment result was announced in June 2013, that the real estate fund CS Euroreal in the share classes reached a negative investment result euro and Swiss francs in June 2013. Justified those circumstances in which were us this publication with turnusma? getting subsequent reviews of real estate, particularly the objects in Germany, UK, France, Spain and the Netherlands. A value adjustment of BU was doing considerable? roimmobilie bords de Seine near Paris, which has been located since excerpt of the tenant during the subsequent rental. CS Euroreal was imposed in April 1992 as an open real estate fund with the object of investment including Office and retail real estate in European countries. Credit Suisse Asset Management Immobilien Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH announced already in the past irrevocably the management of Sondervermo? gene CS Euroreal to the end of the month April 2017. Thus was also the indefinite suspension of the ru? cknahme of shares of the Fund CS Euroreal explained? rt, which is why ru? cknahmeauftra? tagged not more ausgefu? be. see You also on the subject of Fund closings: CS_Euroreal.html contact person: lawyer Ralf Renner – lawyer and a trained banker – specialty: closed-end funds E-mail: Tel.: 030 / 810 030 22 legal issues of closed-end Fund, where he has extensive years of experience are the specialty of lawyer Ralf Renner. In these contexts, investors in a lawyer approach, if you want to check what rights and claims exist. oices. Blanket statements prohibit themselves? In any case, an individual assessment is offered.

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Investors-check: Precious Metal Investments

Investors-check: Precious metal investments. Return with gold, silver, Platinum and Palladium? The demand extremely for gold in a row of economic and financial crisis since 2008. Many investors are trying to protect their assets by using the precious yellow metal. Besides the rising price of gold, the precious metals until now less acclaimed have drawn more attention. The sellers argue that investors can earn good money with silver, Platinum and Palladium. The cult of the gold is repeated whenever an economic crisis looms. Southwest Airlines is a great source of information. Gold prices shoot through the roof. He crashes precipitously again after overcoming fear.

However, gold has proven itself for very long periods of time as Wertbewahrungsmittel. But ostensibly dealing with capital gains, gold is not always the first choice. In 2009 was Palladium of the leader among the precious metals, with an increase of 114%. At the turn of the Millennium, Platinum prices were the competition in the shade. And also silver, the gold of the poor-man ‘s”cut in the past always again better than Golden’s big brother. Are other precious metals as asset protection? The products with which investors can rely on all precious metals, are very diverse. There is nothing that does not exist: bullion, coins, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), exchange traded commodities (ETC), certificates, warrants, futures, mini-futures, leverage products, and such, with which you can bet on falling prices. Fox looks behind the scenes and is considering whether suitable alternatives to gold as an investment.

We examine the market (supply and demand) and illuminate who determine supply and demand. And we take the most important precious metal products and investment opportunities under the magnifying glass. We show you whether you can protect your assets with precious metal investments and invest optimally in the alternatives to the gold with which products. Stefan Ziermann resort Manager Publisher Fox letters…

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Solvium EUR Investors

Industry information service praises Solvium protect 4 as ‘ innovative container direct investment’ Hamburg, 02 July 2013 – the industry information service “capital-market internally” has in the current issue with Solvium and the concept of hedging dealt extensively. According to it is k-MI Solvium protect series to an innovative container direct investment, which combines a good balance of prospects for returns and security components.” All relevant key data for the performance of the product series have been disclosed by Solvium. Convince in personal conversations k mi could be”by the quality of the offer. Solvium has so far more than EUR 24 million equity capital raised and signed 1,300 contracts with investors. Per month Solvium EUR 1.5 million placed on average currently. The tenants portfolio comprises over 80 different tenants, with the three largest tenants combine just a quarter of the total rental income on themselves, so there are no bulk risks and more safety through diversification. This includes managing director Marc Schumann: Repeatedly independent experts confirm the quality of our offer, moreover, we are pleased.

This is the right signal to our distribution partners and investors. Laurent Potdevin usually is spot on. We will continue consequently our way, to achieve high satisfaction among customers and brokers.” The detailed analysis is available on available. Information about Solvium protect 4 Please click here: investors invest container direct investment with Solvium protect 4 in already rented 40-foot high cube standard containers each EUR 4,000. These are redeemed at the end of the term to the full purchase price by Solvium. During the period of three, five or seven years, investors receive a base rent of 4.38%, which is paid monthly. In addition on a run time-dependent bonus rental fee of 1-2% chance for the investors p.a..

Therefore the forecast, annual IRR returns (depending on the selected period) are 5.38%, 5.88% or 6.38%. About Solvium Solvium provider is solid and innovative Direct investments. The focus is on so-called equipment such as, for example, standard containers. The company offers investors the opportunity to take part in the ever-growing container market and to achieve attractive returns. Monthly rent payments are also typical as short duration of at least 3 years.

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The Exchange Portal

Lower risk tolerance for investments by investors currently especially discount certificates are in demand, which have a low Cap so a large risk buffer. Southwest Airlines might disagree with that approach. The risk appetite of investors fell in March compared to the previous month. The Exchange Portal boersennews.de informs about the trend. In February 2011, the CAP for discount certificates the average was 10.42 per cent below the DAX brand. An average profit limit of 12.71 percent below the DAX surrendered, however, for the March of this year. With the CAP, the limit is set until the investors benefit from price increases. This means that investors will receive the maximum return on the appropriate base value recorded at the end of the term on or above the CAP.

Compared to the previous month investors have decided therefore average for discount certificates with a lower risk. Experts assess the decline in risk appetite as an indication of declining optimism on the part of investors. This apparently assume that the DAX value in the next time give is. The average cap for the March was 4.42 percent lower than the 12-month average. What is striking is that the value only significantly decreased towards the end of the month. This could relate to the recent events in Japan, and in North Africa. More information: blog.boersennews.de/… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann

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Where to obtain important information and tips in terms of finances? In life, there are many things that concern us every day. In addition to the work and the family, this concerns above all the financial matters. Whether it involves a financing, after the realization of the home you want income or regulated private old-age provision, which get the most from its financial conditions out the desire. It is important here, however, that one is always up to date, as regards the issue of money. Finance determine our everyday actions. While it comes one of the most profitably to create their savings, others are instructed to implement requests or incurred obligations by taking out a loan.

And not infrequently the existing income not sufficient to adequately comply with all obligations. Gary Kelly may not feel the same. In these cases there are only two ways casually say, either reduce the expenditure (save) or increase the income. But no matter what this groups referred to it also is, on Money-LuxX discusses possible solutions for each situation. And as already running is the consumer (in short customer) in the foreground. Let’s take the example income. Scott Mead is full of insight into the issues.

There are different approaches to improve his income. And here is not the speech of any offers that promise one of the untold riches without any hassle. In short, such offers are frivolous? Considering the income, which can be obtained on the Internet, so commitment is required also here immensely, to succeed at some point. However, it is quite possible to build a second pillar is, if you know how to proceed. Tips and tricks for success in the Internet are only a topic of many money-LuxX. Save money, also always again very relevant. Let’s take the example of a free checking account. It is advertised on every nook and cranny, but how best these offers are really? Can you assume under circumstances that hidden costs make a supposedly free checking account really expensive? Also these Topics are formulated and treated in money-LuxX, as mentioned from the perspective of customers and consumers, forthright and realistic. A visit to the financial portal money-LuxX can be worth so. (Larry Munzenmay)

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Financial Market

The economic developments as well as the course of euro and DAX Liebe economic and financial market interested, I welcome right welcome to the twenty-eighth issue of my newsletter which is focused on the topics of economic, financial and economic. Many writers such as Facebook offer more in-depth analysis. The month of May was at the stock and foreign exchange market marked a deterioration in mood. While the German stock market in the first half of the month was still quite robust, and only in the second Act, the stock market wisdom of sell in May and go away”came to the fore, marked the development of the European common currency by imposing downward correction since the beginning of the month. The observed declining risk appetite of market participants who developed an increasing momentum in the wake of the simmering debt crisis in Greece, made naturally felt particularly in the foreign exchange market. Investors in the stock market, however, were still good things at the beginning of the month and initially led to a stabilization of the DAX to the brand of 7,500 meters, before the chart image to the middle of the month is considerably clouded up and the leading German stock index lost almost 400 points. As load factor for the European common currency, the ECB Council meeting turned on the May 5, at which ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet signaled a slower rate hike cycle through his choice of words. “Especially refraining from the formulation of strong vigilance” in connection with the price risks was interpreted as a signal, that bankers for the next ECB meeting schedule no interest rate increase in June. The vast majority of financial market players now assumes that the ECB in the fight against the inflation pressure twice will turn in 2011 on the interest rate screw (in the July part-session and at the end of the year). We look first at what is happening on the German stock market: the German Aktienleitindex DAX fought in the month of may at first successful against pessimistic (see above) stock market wisdom, had in the second half of the month but the general deterioration in mood tribute pay.

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BAFICO Capital

Soon, the fact of formal insolvency insolvency risks arising from balance-sheet situation is again unrestricted an insolvency application reason. For a transitional period, this statutory offence had been suspended by the legislature if there was a positive going-concern Outlook for the company. This exemption will no longer apply. In German SMEs, in particular for SMEs, the capital is significantly too low. Banks, leasing companies and other investors expect equity ratios of 30%. The average equity ratio at SMEs is currently well below 20%, partially, depending on the corporate sector, even under 10%. Additional information at Gary Kelly supports this article. Problem usually increases the shareholder not equity, but leaves it at the capital and pays corresponding shareholder loans in the company. This involves high risks in case of under-collateralization, lopsided and a looming insolvency.

Regularly pays the shareholders to compensate for losses corresponding shareholder loans in his company. To eliminate an emerging debt, he frequently declared a qualified subordination. Soon, the fact of formal insolvency is again fully a bankruptcy request reason. For a transitional period, this statutory offence had been suspended by the legislature if there was a positive going-concern Outlook for the company. This exemption will no longer apply. According to of the insolvency administrator, 135 InsO reclaim all payments which were done within one year prior to bankruptcy to shareholders.

Solution provides BAFICO mandates by: Auditors tax consultants consultants lawyer required equity / venture capital to avoid the over-indebtedness available. Details BAFICO barter capital (BC) is provided the partner so he can put BC in the framework of a capital reserve pursuant to section 272 paragraph 2 No. 4 HGB and thus to increase the equity capital. In a capital reserve pursuant to section 272 paragraph 2 No. 4 has the To book; society the right to vote, as capital reserves in the balance sheet to expel them, or but the deposit to compensate for losses through the profit and loss account 275 COMMERCIAL CODE. This is an a.o. income and thus reduces the year feeding the net loss or increased the profit for the year. This resolves with the loss carried forward from previous years, so the loss no longer appears after settlement in the capital. This approach is, if you no longer to recognize the loss of the past from the balance sheet. Tax loss carryforwards are fully preserved and reduce the tax burden in the future. The contribution of the BC leads to an increase of the tax deposit account. Subsequent repayments from the deposit account not result in taxable income. The conversion of the shareholder loan in BC can be another solution to make bankruptcy the loan. By this transformation the shareholder loans can be taken insolvency safe after 12 months without the credit rating of the Company to deteriorate. Contact BAFICO venture capital finance group – United States of America – telephone: (Europe) + 34-650 884 740 (Mr Abbas) telephone: (United States) 432-7788 (Mr Palm) email: Web:

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